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Tony POV:
I looked all around da dark room I couldn't see shit and I couldn't move my legs or my arms not even my damn neck I tried tuh reach fa da remote to call da nurse and a nigga arm felt heavy asf so I sat dere fa a while and tried again and still couldn't move shit. Ik damn well dis bitch didn't paralyze me FUCK! I said out loud I need Keisha........

Nurse POV:
As I was going to check on Mr. Robin I made sure I had my laced see through bra and thongs under my doctor coat. We been fuckin since the second week I started being his nurse. And tbh he was been suppose to be outta hea a month ago but I jus neva let him or his friends know because i knew once he left he would forget all about me and I would be lonely, depressed, hurt, and suicidal he could  move jus fine but I would lie and say the inside wasn't healed yet wen it was completely healed all this time. The way he kissed on my pussy and would insert himself inside me wit force because I was so tight made me want him even more. I opened his room door turned on the lights and closed and locked the door. Daddy I'm here I said once I dropped my coat to the floor. Brittney my ex paralyzed me! I saw nothin but fear in his eyes and I knew there were confusion in mine. Wat how? Bro she came in hea and stuck me wit a damn needle I can't fuckin move! I grabbed my coat and rushed to him. See can u feel dis I said while sticking him wit a pen nah I don't feel dat shit mmm where she stuck u at? In my neck can u move it? I asked feelin sorry fa him nah I saw a look of worry on his face. Look imma hire a artist so u can describe how she look nah ion need all dat I got ha insta ok well me and your doctor is about to contact da police and- HELL NO! da fuck I got dis shit on my own he said with anger. Well ok I'll let the other nurses know wat happened and we'll run more tests on u I turned on my heels then exited out the door.

Keisha POV:
I was going to da dollar store so I could buy sum groceries fa da house so gabby could have sumthin tuh eat because I only had 20 dollars. I walked in da store and grabbed everythang I needed and began adding it all up. 4 cans of canned soup=$4, 2 jugs of apple juice (gabby fav)=$2, 3 boxes of store brand cereal=$3, 1 jug of milk= $1, 7 TV dinners= $7, and a box of  $1 fruit snacks for gabby. I went to da check out and waited while da old lady rung up my groceries um ok and that will be 20.60 she said wit a big smile on ha face Fuck! I said tuh myself I'm sorry I only have 20 dollars I said while shakin my head. I started walkin tuh da doe and den she stopped me Hey young lady! Come here I turned around and came to the cash register. I have seen many young ladies like you around hea tryna provide fa themselves so hea child get this food and I don't want dem 20 dollars I'll pay fa u baby I thanked her and caught the bus to gabby.

Later That Night:
GABBY COME GET UR FOOD BABY! She den came runin tuh da table suhsuh why we always got to eat dee box fwood she said. Look u r not finna complain about wat I provide fa u gabby me not compwaining well u usually don't say nun bout da food so wats wrong baby? Well teetee said we poor my eyes den began to water wait she said me and u poor or all of us she said me and u suhsuh who did she say dat tuh? I asked gettin mad asf only to me she said crossin ha arms dis lil girl is too grown fa me I thought ok look go eat ur food and lemme know wen u done so I can give u a bath ME WANT BUBWLE BATH! she said while liftin ha hands up I smiled because she reminded me so much of myself. After I put gabby tuh sleep I got out da shower and laid down until I got a phone call. Hello? Come meet me by da corner stoe it's important...............

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