Nice to meet you

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After I picked up gabby I took her to Wendy's So I could order her a foe fa foe because she was hungry so We went inside while I ordered and handed the man my card. 10minutes had passed and he still had my card, Aye old man give me my shit and the food I said gettin mad sorry young lady but u have nothing on here he handed me my card so I snatched it FUCK! I said out loud I looked back at gabby and she smiled at me I looked back at da man please just for her can i pay u tomorrow I promise no but u can now he said while looking at my tits I rolled my eyes stay hea gabby she nodded her head so I went into da restaurant bathroom and da  old man followed me get on ya knees he said I did as told and began sucking his dick ooooh yesss I love the youngins y'all know how to do it he said while gripping my hair I licked his tip and other things while kissing all ova his dick he picked me up and slid in me I gripped onto da sink FUCK! he then gave me hickies while choking me I squirted everywhere on his dick he then slapped me and bit on my neck making me scratch him up on his back. Ok dat was 5min now give me da goddamn food, He then buckled his pants den I followed him out da restroom and to da front counter and grabbed da food come back anytime if u want mo food he yelled while I was walking out da door. FUCK U BITCH! I said back, wat took woo so wongggggg gabby said in her baby voice. Well sissy had to argue wit da manager because he ran out of chicken nuggets and sissy said if u don't give my lil suh ha chicken nuggets I'm goin to EAT U! I said while tickling her she giggled loudly which caused me tuh smile.

10min later:
Ugh why dee bus is taken faweva gabby said while holding her head back in frustration. U hungry? I asked knowing ha greedy ass was gon say yea, yeshhh she said in ha lil baby talk awe well sissy sorry u can gone head and eat ya food....BUT! Don't mess up ya clothes ni, YAAAAY I wove u suhsuh I couldn't do shit but fall in love wih her all ova again awe I love u more gabby I said while kissing her little cheeks OH ME GOSH! gabby said while widen ha eyes wats wrong? I asked suhsuh u have a big wed bwuise on ur neck. Knowin it was a damn hicky I distracted her by tellin ha da bus was hea

I got ready fa work den got off da bus to Tiffany house (my close friend like sister who is in the same gang as me and also sells drugs wih me) where her momma would come and babysit gabby and Barbie (Tiffany daughter). GABBWY! Barbie said soon she saw ha it's gabby not gabbwy geesh gwirl gabby said in her little baby talk I laughed my ass off because gabby ass know she can barely pronounce words ha self. And u stop bein rude befo I tell Ms.wanda to put u in time out for 5min do u undastand me? I said squatting down to her level so that she knew I was serious. And of course she started all dat cryin shit see and dats because u spoil da lil gul too much Ms. Wanda said to me while walking in da living room wit a cup of coffee and turning on channel 2 news "hey I'm Rachel and I will be giving u today's live news as u see what we have here today is that a man named tony robin was shot just 12 minutes ago near the McDonald's right across from mables washing let and no one knows who did this shooting but police believe it was due to gang violence and drugs witnesses says that Mr. Robin was looking for a female named Keisha at the time and as soon as he turned around that's when shots were fired. Many say that him and others pulled a gun out firing shots back at the other men in a vehicle and that's when Mr. Robin was hit in the stomach, now if anyone had anymore details please let us know at the police station." OMG I GOTTA GO! me and Tiffany both said at the same time while rushing out da house, gabby sissy will make it up to u wen I get back! I yelled while closing the door. Even tho tony is like my big brother I have mo dan jus sista feelins fa dis nigga I'm inlove wit him so i pray dat he makes it through dis. As soon as me and Tiffany walked in da hospital we saw all our niggas and bitches hea we dapped dem up and sat der until da nurse called us back dea, hey r u guys here for Tony Robin? We all shook our heads yea. Well he requested to see his sister Keisha who is she? Dats me right hea I said getting up fast asf well here is your visitation pass and he is in room 304 I nodded my head and walked into the elevator.

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