Chapter 23

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Nate said he would be home today. It's been 5 days and I couldn't wait. It was times like this that I wish I weren't a good girl, that I wasn't holding on to my virginity. Then I would be able to welcome Nate home by attacking him and have wild hot sex with him to show him how much I missed him.

Alas I was not that girl. So instead I was making him his favorite dinner, fettuccine alfredo and of course vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting for dessert. He texted to tell me his flight landed at 18:40. It was only 15:35 so I had plenty of time to clean up, set the table and get changed.

Some time around 5 I heard the front door. I had finished cleaning the kitchen and I set the table. I just need to change. Thinking it was Cassie at the door I shout out. "I need your help with picking an outfit for tonight."

"Trying to impress someone cupcake?" A deep voice drawls.

Look up to see Nate leaning against the wall smirking at me. I'm so elated to see him, I rush around the island and launch myself at him. Laughing he catches and squeezes me to him.

A few seconds later he let's go. Embarrassed at my behavior I bite my lip and whisper. "I missed you."

He smiles but doesn't return the sentiment. "Something smells amazing in here."

"I made dinner. Why don't you go put your things away while I go change and then we can eat?"

"Yeah okay."

He goes to his room without a backward glance. He's acting a little strange but maybe he's just tired. I run up to my room and change. I don't want to look like I'm trying to hard so I put on black skinny jeans and a soft pink v-neck sweater top. I fix my hair and go downstairs.

Cassie and Tyler are back and talking with Nate. I'm a little disappointed that I don't have him to myself but there will be time for that later. We sit down to eat and Nate tells us about his trip to New York. Throughout dinner Nate barely looks or talks directly to me.

After dinner Cassie offers to help me wash up while the guys catch up some more. "Hey Cass. Does Nate seem a little weird to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like he hasn't really looked at me since he got home. I threw myself into his arms when I saw him and he hugged me back but he didn't even kiss me. Not even a measly kiss on the cheek."

Cassie laughs. "Sweetie he's probably just tired. He's been gone 5 days for work. Don't read too much into it, okay? You'll drive yourself crazy."

Once we're done in the kitchen we turn out the lights and lock up. Cassie and Tyler say their good nights and go upstairs. Nate is sitting in front of the TV but he's busy texting. I take a seat next to him and place my hand on his thigh. He looks up from his phone and switches off the TV.

"We should go to bed too. I have to go to the office tomorrow. "He stands up, leans down and kisses my cheek. "Good night." And then he's gone.

What the hell was that?


The next morning everyone has left for work by the time I wake up. I was up late analyzing Nate's behavior but then I realized I was doing just as Cassie said I would and driving myself crazy. So I gave up and went to sleep.

For dinner we get pizza but it's just the three of us. Nate texted Tyler to let him know he would be working late. Why text Tyler and not me? By 10 Nate's still not home. I sent him a text to ask if he was ok and got no reply. I didn't know whether to worry or be pissed.

That was Wednesday. Thursday passed the same, he got home late and left early the next morning. By Friday I knew I wasn't just paranoid. Nate was avoiding me and I had no idea why.

My worst fear was that Celeste went to New York with him and they got back together and that was why Nate was ignoring me.

I didn't want to confront him and seem overbearing but I needed to know what was going on. If we were over I would be hurt but at least then I wouldn't be stuck in this state of confusion.

Just when I reach my breaking point and I decide to call Nate I get a call from my friend Brody.

He's back in Westville and wants to catch up. Brody, Cassie and I went to high school together. I had a little crush on him back in 10th grade but then we became friends and I got over it. I tell Brody to meet me at KC's so he can see Cassie again too.

"Look at you Jenny! Damn, I'm gone less than a year and you go and get hotter on me." He teases.

"Oh whatever Mr. GQ. You've been working out. And look at your tan!"

We laugh and talk, catching up. When Cassie is on break she joins us but it isn't long. We invite Brody to join us for dinner so we can all hang out properly.

"You'll get to meet Tyler and Nate! Please, you have to come." Cassie begs.

Brody laughs. "I'd love to but I can't tonight, I already have plans. How about tomorrow?"

"What could be more important than hanging out with us?" She pouts.

"I got invited to Impulse." He says with a wide smile. Impulse is a popular night club just outside of Emmery hills.

"Shut up! Seriously? I've been there once with Tyler. It is freaking amazing."

"Have you been Jenny?"

I laugh. "Yeah cause that's totally my scene." I say, my tone dripping sarcasm.

"You should come. We can dance and drink and just let loose. You look like you could use it honey."

I think of Nate and how he's been since he got back. I'm tired of waiting for him to tell me what's going on and I'm getting bored being home all day. Even though clubbing and partying isn't my thing I agree. I need some fun and I've missed my friend.

"You better be careful with her Brody. The last time she let loose she let a complete stranger dry hump her in the middle of the dance floor."

"Cassidy!" Brody's eyebrows raise in shock. "Don't listen to her. She's exaggerating. I danced with him, he kissed me and we might have gotten a little carried away."

Cassie shakes her head and Brody laughs. "Don't worry I'll take care of her."

Brody says he'll pick me up at nine. So when Cassie gets home we raid her closet for a dress. After we eat she does my hair and then my makeup. The dress is one shouldered, it's gold and covered entirely with sequence. It's a little daring for me but tonight I'm saying screw it and just going for it.

When Brody gets here Cassie goes to greet him and introduce him to Tyler. Cassie calls for me to come downstairs so I grab my phone put it into my little clutch and head downstairs. I'm surprised to find Nate sitting next to Tyler with Cassie and Brody across from them. Ignoring Nate I look to Brody.

"Ready to go?"

"Damn baby girl!" Brody let's out a whistle, coming towards me. "I'm gonna have my hands full with you tonight, aren't I." I laugh as he takes my hand and spins me around.

"Let's go. Good night guys." I say pulling Brody to the door.

"Have fun. Be careful. Watch her Brody, I mean it! " Cassie shouts.

We laugh as we go to his car and head to Impulse.


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