Chapter 29

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Cassie and Tyler drove separately from us. So when we got to the resort I made sure to wait for them before we went inside. There was no way I was facing the wolves by myself.

They showed up a few minutes after us and then the four of us made our way to the ballroom where the party was being held. Throughout the resort there were black and gold balloons leading to the party.

The ballroom decorations were breathtaking. It was like walking into a wedding reception. Large round tables covered with black table clothes. Beautiful white flowers in crystal vases as center pieces. White candles with black detailing. Gorgeous place settings with napkins folded meticulously into bows with sparkling napkin rings to hold the center.

People were milling around socializing. Laughter and chatter could be heard over the soft strains of music. Which was being played by a band on a stage off to the side of the room. It wasn't hard to tell that the people here were wealthy. Their appearances practically screamed riches. Women dressed in elegant gowns and men in fancy suits,most assuredly designer.

I felt as if I couldn't breath. Was this what a panic attack felt like? Would these people take one look at me and know I didn't belong? Just like Nate's mom had. I feel Nate give my hand a gentle squeeze. He stands in front of me, blocking my view of the party before us.

"Hey, you okay?"

I shake my head no, then nod and then I shake my head again. "I don't think I should have come here Nate."

"What? Why not? I thought you were excited about the party."

"I was but I forgot that this place would be filled snobby rich people that would look down their noses at me cause I don't belong here."

"Bullshit. You belong here just as much as anyone else. More than any of them even because you are here with me. I want you here and so does gramps. If anyone has a problem with that let me know, I'll take care of it. And remember you're not alone."

I take a deep breath and then exhale slowly. "Okay, let's do this." I say with a nod.

He grins and kisses my cheek. Then we make our way through the tables and people looking for his grandfather. We are stopped multiple times by people who know Nate. He obliges them, stopping to talk for a few short minutes before moving on.

Every time he introduces me as his girlfriend it gives me a warm tingly feeling inside. Few people seem genuinely happy to see Nate in a relationship again. Some couldn't care less and ignore me, some inquire about Celeste. While others, all females, blatantly flirt with him as if I'm inconsequential. Cassie sends me a look of disgust each time but fortunately we leave those conversations faster than the others.

Finally we find Raymond in a large group of people gathered at the front of the ballroom. I tense when I notice Nate's parents among the group. Nate let's go of my hand and slips his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He pushes us through the group till we reach Raymond's side. When he spots us his face lights up with genuine joy to see us and I relax a little.

"You're here! Finally, I was beginning  to think you got lost." He teases. Nate let's me go and steps forward to hug his grandpa.

"Don't you look just beautiful." He says to me next and pulls me into his warm embrace. He kisses my cheek before pulling back, still holding on to my hands. "If I were 20 years younger I'd steal you away from him like that." He says with a snap of his fingers and a smile on his face.

I giggle. "It's great to see you again Ray. You look very handsome."

"Get your own woman old man." Nate teases as he pulls me into his arms, my back to his front. He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. "This one's mine."

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