Chapter 37

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Sweaty, sleepy and kind of sore I pant for breath as Nate pulls away from me with a kiss on my neck.

"I'll be right back." He whispers. He goes into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I should get up and clean myself up but I feel so blissful in this moment. So I snuggle into the covers and let my eyes drift shut.

I wake up a minute or two later to Nate pulling away the covers and parting my thighs. I feel something wet and warm between my legs and gasp in surprise.

"Sorry." He mutters with a smug smile, placing a kiss to each of my thighs. He cleans me up with gentle swipes of the wash cloth, then tosses it across the room in the general direction of the laundry hamper.

He crawls up the bed and pulls the covers over both of us before pulling me into his arms. He buries his nose in my hair and let's out a deep breath.

My eyes start to sting as tears form in my eyes. A sob bubbles up in my chest and an empty feeling consumes me. My heart breaks all over again as I think of how sweet he's being right now. He was so gentle and loving. He even thought to clean me up. But how long will it last now that he's gotten what he was after?

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks as I tremble against him.

I think of Celeste in his arms, of him being with countless other women while pretending to be with me. I can't take it, I love him but I'm not what he wants. My brother always says if you love something set it free. If it's yours it'll come back, if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be.

I push away from Nate and jump out of the bed. I hurriedly start looking for my clothes. I need to get dressed and I need to get out of here.

"Jenna what are you doing? What's the matter?" He asks coming up behind me.

I spin around to face him. "I'm setting you free!" I sob, trying to get my clothes on. "You got what you wanted so you can stop pretending now."

I trip myself trying to put on my jeans, my tears blurring my vision. Fortunately I manage to avoid face planting the floor. Nate catches me around the waist, pulling me to him as we sink to the floor. I try to escape his hold but it's no use.

"Calm down." He says smoothing a hand down my back. "What on earth are you talking about setting me free and pretending? None of that made any sense to me."

"I know okay! I saw you that night with Celeste. I heard all about your little plan and your trip to New York. I saw the two of you kissing! I know Nate, so you don't have to pretend that you want to be with me anymore. You can go ahead and tell your buddies that I finally gave it up, you bagged the 22 year old virgin. Mission accomplished."

I shove at his chest and manage to escape his hold as he takes if this new information. I stumble over my own feet but I right myself and rush out the door to get upstairs. Just as I make it to the stairs I'm yanked back by my arm, against a hard body.

"That's what you think? You think I'm just playing with you?" Nate asks in a an eerily calm manor.

"I know you are!"

"You don't know a damn thing!" He shouts. He let's me go and begins to pace before me. "It may have started of that way. I thought you were hot and I enjoyed messing with you. I needed your help with making Celeste back off...and then there was Donohugh. I hated seeing him touch you and I didn't get why.

Things were changing between us and I didn't like it so yeah, I hooked up with someone in New York. It was stupid and I regret it."

"Stop!" I yell, having heard enough. He sounds and looks so sincere but how do I believe him? Nate comes to me and grabs both my hands in his hands.

"Look at me Jenna, listen to me and you'll see I'm telling you the truth. Melody was a mistake, nothing more. When I saw you with Brody and I told you I was scared of how you make me feel I wasn't lying. I knew I liked you from the very beginning but I kept fighting it.

But the thing that really woke me up and opened my eyes. That was having you taken away from me. I had finally realized what I had always known only to find you were gone.You have no idea how much I hated the thought of never being able to tell you how much I love you!"



Jenna gasps and stares at me wide eyed. I let out a humorless laugh.

"Yeah, I was a little shocked at first too. When I found out that that crazy motherfucker had you I was determined to find you and make sure to show you how I truly feel about you.

Just now I thought I was getting my chance. I made love to the love of my life. And just as I'm about to tell you how much I love you, you run away." I say, shutting my eyes in defeat.

Several tense moments of silence pass before I hear her whisper. "You- you love me?"

"Like I've never loved anyone else before."

"How do I know you are not just lying to me like you were before?" She asks skeptically.

"I'll do what ever it takes,  as long as it takes to prove my love is true. I'm a different person with you Jenna, a better person."

"It's true you know."I hear Tyler's voice chime in. "He less of an asshole since he met you."

I look up to see him and Cassidy watching Jenna and I.

"It's true Jen. He was going crazy trying to find you." Cassie adds.

I look back at Jenna and see she's  struggling with whether or not to believe me.

"Please Jenna." I plead.  "Give me a chance to show you that this isn't a game to me. Let me prove just how much you mean to me..."


So my next post will be the ending. 😭

I may consider doing a bonus scene so if you've stuck around this long, stick a around a little longer.



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