Chapter 3

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The chilly evening air around me cools my overheated skin.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I just stand there gawking at them like an idiot?

I mean sure that guy was hot and he had those dreamy eyes that you could lose yourself in, and that shiny dark hair that belonged on a shampoo commercial that made me wish I was the one running my fingers through his hair... but so what. Big deal. It's not like I've never seen a hot guy before.

"You are such an idiot Jenna" I quietly scold myself.

"You know, they say talking to yourself is one of the first signs of insanity right?"

I gasp in fright and turn to look for the owner of the voice that just scared the crap out of me.

A lanky looking guy with glasses steps out of the  shadows with his arms raised in a show of surrender.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckles.

Now in the light I can properly see his face. He's kinda cute, with a lean physique and nerdy glasses. A grey character T-shirt and dark jeans. He seems harmless enough.

"It's alright" I reply "I just wasn't expecting anyone to be hiding under the stairs."

I turn and keep walking toward the bon fire further down the beach to look for Cassie when I notice the guy walking next to me.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

He chuckles as if I've said something funny. Then he sticks out his hand to introduce himself.

"I'm Travis, and you are Jenna" he says with a smile.

"How do you know my name?" I ask,  eyeing him warily.

"I heard you talking to yourself, remember." he grins.

"I was not talking to myself. I was just talking out loud." I huff.

"Well would you like to talk to someone else so you don't look like a crazy person?" He asks cheekily.

"I am not a crazy person and if you're trying to make friends you shouldn't insult people."

Annoyed, I start to walk away again but he stops me with a hand on my arm.

"Hey you're right. I'm sorry, how about a do over?" He holds out his hand again,
"I'm Travis" he says with a sweet smile that makes him look like a little boy.

I can't help but return his smile as I grumble my reply, "I'm Jenna."

"So what's a girl like you doing all alone at a party in the hills?"

"I'm not alone, I'm here with my friend and what exactly is a girl like me?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I didn't mean anything by it, honest. I just know you're not apart of this crowd and I've never seen you around before."

"Well you don't exactly look like you fit in with this crowd either" I say, rolling my eyes.

These people are all about expensive designer labels and wouldn't be caught dead in a shirt with anime characters on it like this guy.  

Laughing he replies "You are very right about that but a guy can't choose the family he's born into ya know."

"Are you related to the owner of this house?"

"No, no. Nate is friends with my cousin Cole. I've spent every summer staying with Cole's family since I was 8. When my parents passed a few years ago Cole's family took me in.
My aunt always makes him take me with him to parties and stuff so that I can socialize, which is why I'm here tonight" he says rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry about your parents."

After an awkward silence I ask "So how old are?"

"23. How old are you?"


We keep talking, getting to know each other while we walk.

Travis might be a part of a rich family but he certainly doesn't seem entitled like the other people I've seen here tonight. He doesn't let his family's money define who he is. Maybe losing his parents allowed him to realize that money isn't everything.

I like talking to Travis I think he and I could become friends.


I see Cassie waving me over.

"Is that your friend?" Travis asks.

"Yeah, come on I'll introduce you."

"Hey I see you made a friend, what's up Travis?" Tyler asks holding his fist out for a bump.

Travis responds in kind "Hey Tyler."

"Travis this is my best friend Cassidy, Cassie this is Travis. I found him lurking in the dark looking for friends" I tease.

"Ha ha ha. You're hilarious" Travis bumps my shoulder while Cassie giggles.

We join them around the fire and enjoy the soothing sounds of crashing waves and conversations filled with laughter.

This night might not turn out so bad after all.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was kinda lame🙈.

I plan on doing the next chapter in Nate's POV please comment and let me know what you think.


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