Chapter 15

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I thought she wasn't much of a drinker. I watched her knock back 4 drinks already. And what the hell was she thinking dancing like that with Cal 'the douche' Donahugh?

When I saw his hands on her it irked me. When I saw her grinding against him it caused my teeth to clench. When I saw him kiss her I wanted to smash his face in. I was greatful when Tyler stepped in and took her home.

She wasn't mine. I had no right to feel the way I did. Hurting Donahugh would have been wrong. It would have made Jenna think I was jealous and I wasn't. I just wanted to be the first to have her.

So I did what any guy my age would have done on a Saturday night, surrounded by booze and beautiful, scantily clad women. I got shit faced and hooked up with some random chick.


The next morning I had a raging hangover. My head was pounding and all I wanted to do was sleep it off. The last thing I wanted to do was answer my mother's phone call. But if I kept ignoring her calls she might show up here. That would be worse.

Cursing I pick up my phone. "Hey Mom."

"Nathaniel are you alright? You sound ill?"

I clear my throat. "Yeah I'm uh, feeling a little under the weather."

"You are hungover aren't you?" She asks dryly.

Caught in my lie I ask instead, " So how are you mom? I assume there is a reason for this call."

"Can't a mother call to check in on her child?"

I sigh. "Of course you can. I just know that's not why you called. So spit it out already."

"I heard you have a new girlfriend and that you are living together. Is it true?"

"What if it is?" I hedge.

"Oh Nathaniel how could you do this to Celeste? She's going to be heartbroken. She gets back from Europe this week you know."

"Mom I have told you before. Celeste and I are over. We are not going to get back together and we most certainly are not going to get married."

"But the two of you are meant to be! This new little slut is just a fling, like all the others."

"Jenna is not a slut." I snap in frustration. But as soon as her name leaves my lips I know I've just made a big mistake.

"Jenna hmmm? So you actually know this ones name."

"I have to go mother. We'll talk soon."

"Wait! I want you to come to dinner on Friday night, at the house. Matthew would love to see you too I'm sure."

Using my little brother was a low blow but I miss him and barely get to see him nowadays. "Fine. I'll be there. For Matt."

"Fabulous darling. I'll see you Friday at 7.  I love you."

"Love you too." I grumble hanging up. The pounding in my head has intensified after the phone call with my mom.

I need aspirin, a hot shower and a nice long nap. Then I need to fix this cluster fuck I have created with one little lie.

After my nap I take a nice long shower and think about the dilemma I'm in. I wanted to tell the truth and deny having a girlfriend at first but if I  did that my mom would be shoving Celeste at me the second she got here.

Fucking Olivia. If she had just kept her mouth shut I wouldn't be in this situation right now. I have an idea but I need Jenna's help. I just hope I didn't piss her off too much after the other morning.

I go upstairs to look for Jenna. I knock on her door and wait.

"Come in" comes her soft reply.

Walking in I shut the door behind me and put on a charming smile. "Hey you."

"What are you doing in here?" She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes. I chuckle at her.

"I just wanted to hang out for a little while, that okay?"

"Actually it's not. I'm not in the mood for company. Sorry." except she doesn't sound the least bit sorry so I cut to the chase.

"Look I know things are a little weird after we kissed and all. But it was just a heat of the moment sort of thing okay. We're still friends right."

She hesitates then swallows hard. "Sure friends."

"Great! So listen, friend, I need a teeny tiny little favor."

"Of course you do." She mumbles under her breath. "What is it Nate?"

"So remember how I told you that Olivia told other people that you are my girlfriend and that we live together." At her nod I continue. "Looks like that news got back to my parents and now we have a problem."

"We?" She asks sarcastically.

"Ok I have a problem. But you are the only one who can help me fix it."

"How? Why?"

"Olivia told people about told people about you. I'm sure she described you to a tee so that others notice you. But I could care less about her or anyone else. The problem is my mother and my ex-girlfriend. If you help me by being my girlfriend it'll get my mother off my back about getting back together with my ex."

"Wait a minute. You want me to be your girlfriend?"


"Why the hell would I do that? Why don't you just tell your ex to take a hike."

I let out a deep exhale and take a seat in the bed. "The thing is my parents and Celeste's parents are really close. Like taking family vacations together close. That's how Celeste and I started dating when we were 17. About a year ago I found her cheating on me but my parents don't  know that. So my mom thinks I just broke up with Celeste in order to sow my wild oats." I answer, rolling my eyes.

"Why not just tell them the truth then?"

"Because they won't listen. Celeste is the daughter my mom never had. She can do no wrong in my mother's eyes."

"Well that's stupid. You are her child, not your ex."

"So you'll help me?" I ask putting on my best puppy dog face.

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