Chapter 18

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I gasp in shock. I was under no false pretences that this woman liked me but that was a horrible say. She doesn't know me and she hasn't even tried to get to know me either. Now she's calling me a cheap floozie!

It was a mistake coming here. Mrs. Parker doesn't care if Nate has a girlfriend or not. She only sees him with Celeste. I excuse myself and try to figure out how to get home. Nate jumps up behind me and follows me out of the dining room.

"Hey!" He says catching me around the waist and trapping me against the wall. "Are you okay?"

"Of course not. I'm hurt that your mom isn't even giving me chance. Your dad at least spoke to me and tried to get to know me but your mom thinks I'm not worthy of you. She basically called me a whore and I'm not that kind of girl! "

"I know. You're right my mom is being rude but I told you how she is with Celeste. Forget about them. Let's go home."

"No. I'm not letting them win. We are here to show them that we're a real couple and this isn't some cheap fling. We are gonna go back in there eat some cake with your dad and then we'll leave."

We walk back into the dining room hand in hand and take our places at the table once again. Lucia begins serving the cupcakes. Mrs. Parker and Celeste decline.

"Jenna I can't wait to try these cupcakes you brought. Did you make them yourself?" Drew asks in an attempt to change the tense atmosphere.

"Yes. I made them from scratch this morning."

"Andrew!" Mrs. Parker scolds when she sees him taking one of each cupcake.

"What? They look delicious."

"These are good but I prefer chocolate." Matt says after taking a huge bite of his cupcake.

"I'll be sure to remember that. Your brother insisted I make vanilla. Even after I asked what you would like."

"Cause that's his favorite." Matt says rolling his eyes.

"Oh trust me, I know. The first time I made cupcakes for them he growled at Tyler for touching one. And then he took the entire container to his room to hide it." I laugh at the memory.

"Us Parker men like our sweet treats." Drew laughs with me.

"Jenna's cupcakes are delicious dad. They rival grandma's." Nate says. Then he leans over and takes a bite of my cupcake. I gape at him and he shurgs and gives me a sheepish grin.

"Yours tastes better." He says simply.

"Fine then you have to share yours with me."

He shurgs again and lifts his cupcake to my lips. Feeding me a bite, making sure to get extra frosting onto my mouth.

"Let me get that that for you." He says as I reach for my napkin. He turns my head and licks the frosting from my mouth before placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

"These really are delicious Jenna. Nate was right. Although I'm sure he enjoyed his much more than I did." Drew says with a teasing smile.

I blush and duck my head, then chance a glance across the table at Mrs. Parker and Celeste to see them both glaring at me.

Nate clears his throat and takes my hand. "We should get going. We have plans tomorrow." We stand and say our goodbyes. I thank them for having me and then we get the hell out of there.

"Well that went swimmingly." I say sarcastically as we head home.

Nate laughs. "Actually it was great. That fact that you stayed after my mother insulted you shows them that our relationship isn't just some fling."

When we get back to to house we start to go our separate ways. But then Nate stops me by calling my name.


"Thanks for helping me out tonight."

"What are friends for?" I smile.

"Good night Jenna."


I may have been saying the words to him but I said it to remind myself that we are just friends. Cause pretending in front of his family tonight seemed way too real, for me at least.

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