Chapter 26

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A date? Our first date!

Since I have no idea where we are going, and she is way more fashion forward than I am, Cassie helps me to find the perfect first date outfit.

I barely pay attention as Cassie loosely curls my hair and does my make up. I put on the light blue floral sundress that she picked out. All I can think is Where is he taking me? What are we going to do? Omg we're going on a date! This is really happening.

By the time I'm done getting dressed it's around 11:30 pm. Nate is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. He smiles when he sees me and leans in to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You look beautiful. Ready to go?" I blush and nod. Too anxious to speak. He leads me to his car and opens my door for me. As he drives I turn to watch him. He look so handsome. Calm, cool and confident, he's wearing dark jeans and a white button up shirt. The sleeves pushed up to his elbows. When he pulls up to the park that we stopped at the night before I look at him in confusion.

"Trust me." He grins. He comes around to my side to open my door for me again. I take his hand and follow him into to the park. He stops in front of a large tree and the sight before me causes my breath to catch.

Under the tree a blanket is spread out, surrounded by candles, a wicker picnic basket sits on top of the blanket and alongside it is a bouquet of red roses. "Oh Nate!" I say breathlessly and look at him.

He bites his lip, looking nervous. "Do you like it?" He asks almost shyly.

"Like it? It's unbelievable! I love it. Thank you!" I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him hard. We pull away from each other panting for breath.

"Come on let's go sit." He says with a chuckle, pulling me towards the picnic blanket.

"Wait!" I shout pulling him to stop.


"I want to take a picture to post on Instagram." He laughs but let's me take my pictures. We pose for a few selfies too before we sit down to enjoy our picnic.

"I know you're probably not that hungry so I just got us some snacks." Nate say, then he starts pulling things put of the picnic basket. "We have champagne but I got you sparkling cider just in case. Chocolate covered strawberries, pretzels, chips, of course mini cupcakes..."

"Of course." I tease.

"...And if we get hungry later, mini pizzas and sandwiches."

"Sound delicious. How about some bubbly to start."

"Excellent choice mi'lady." He says in a horrible British accent and I laugh.

After pouring our champagne Nate offers me a chocolate covered strawberry. He feeds me a bite then finishs the strawberry. I pick up a strawberry and repeat his actions. Between talking and kissing we continue feeding each other.

"Mmm...everything was incredibly delicious but I can't eat another bite right now." I pout leaning against the tree and rubbing my stomach.

"I agree." Nate laughs.

"This has been amazing Nate. I've only read about such romance in books. Thank you."

"Well I won't lie I had help. And it's not over yet." He gets up and jogs over to his car. He comes back with something in his hand, fiddling with his phone. That's when I hear the beginning strains of Ed Sheeran's Perfect. He sets his phone down on the blanket and hold his hand out to me.

"May I have this dance?"

Speechless, I take his hand and rise. He takes me into his arms and we start swaying to the music. I don't even realize I'm crying till Nate pulls away a little to look at me.

"Hey, what's wrong I thought you said you loved it?"

"I do." I sniffle. "Gosh I'm such a dork. I love it, really. I don't even get why I'm crying right now. Tonight has just been so amazing Nate. You said you don't do romance but no one has ever done something like this for me before...I'm just so glad you decided to take a chance on us."

He wipes away my tears and gives me a gentle smile. "Well I'm glad you like it. Does this mean you forgive me for the little love bite earlier?"

"Little?" I giggle. "Yeah right." Then I reach up to kiss him.

Another song comes on and we keep dancing. There in his arms, with moonlight shining down on us and the voice of Ed Sheeran serenading us as he sings Kiss me. Nate does just that and I realize that I've fallen completely in love with Nathaniel Parker.

Hey guys!

What do you think? A moonlight picnic, chocolate and Ed Sheeran! #perfect

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