Chapter 10

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*His soft lips skim my cheek and then his lips are on mine. He pulls me in closer. His hand tangles in my hair, his kiss is frenzied like he's afraid I might disappear.

I press my body closer to his but still I can't seem to get close enough.

He pulls away from my mouth and I whine in protest. He smiles and then begins trailing kisses from my jaw down my neck.

"Please." I beg as I moan in pleasure. I have no idea what I'm even asking for but I want more. More of his lips on my body, driving me crazy.

He pulls away completely this time. Smirking he says "I'll give you whatever you want sweetheart, all you gotta do is ask."

He turns and walks away. I call out for him to stop but I'm my voice is drowned out by a loud ringing.*

I'm awaken from my very vivid dream of Nate to find my cell phone ringing on the night stand beside my head. The caller ID shows that it's my mom. Well that's one way to cool of after that dream.

I answer before she hangs up. "Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, I got your message. Are you sure you girls are okay?"

"We are fine mom. You should see the house we're staying at, its amazing."

I spend the next hour reassuring my mom about our safety living with Nate and Tyler, telling her as much as I can about them and turning down her numerous offers for me to move in with her for the summer.

I love my mom. She's the strongest woman I know and I love knowing that no matter what, my mom will always be there for me. Even when she and my dad were still married she was like a single parent. She took care of me and my two older brothers while working as a teacher all day and still came home to cook, clean and help us with our homework. Growing up I was convinced my mom was a superhero, like the ones in our Saturday morning cartoons.

When my parents got divorced I was just starting high school and life was hard for a while. But my mom never let us focus on the negative. She taught us to be respectable, hard working and independent. I don't like to think of where my brothers and I could be without her.

I hang up on my mom after promising to call her again soon. Having been in bed long enough I get up and head to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower.

After my shower I head into my room to get dressed. I don't bother to close the door cause no one else is home.

I'm sitting on my bed putting on my favorite vanilla scented body lotion when I hear the front door slam, followed by hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.

I jump up and try to grab my towel but I'm too late. Nate comes into my room and shuts the door. Damn my sluggish reflexes.

"Jenna, I need your he...lp." He barely gets out the word help once he sees me standing there in just my bra and panties.

I quickly wrap my towel around me.

"What the hell Nate?! I know it's your house but you could have at least knocked."


At the sound of the front door bell Nate let's out a curse.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on you. Not that I'm complaining." he smirks as I scowl.


"Dammit! Listen, there's this crazy girl at the front door. I saw her coming here on my way home. We hooked up a couple of weeks ago." He admits.

*Ding-dong! Ding-dong!*

"I need you to go down there and get rid of her."

"Me? How the hell am I supposed to get rid of her?!" I ask incredulously.

*Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Ding-dong* The incessant ringing continues.

"Please Jenna! Help me out."

"Fine." I huff. I'm only doing this cause he gave me a place to stay. And if the girl rings the door bell one more time my head might explode.

Slipping on my knee length, black satin robe I head down stairs. I open the door to a familiar face. It's the redhead that was on the pool table the night of the party.

"Can I help you?" I ask with a smile.

"Are you the new house keeper or something?" she asks with her nose wrinkled in disgust.

"Or something." I wink.

She pushes past me and enters the house "I'm here to see Nate."

"Well he isn't available, so I suggest you leave."

"Oh please, as if he would ever hook up with a fat bitch like you." She scoffs.

Before I can say a word I hear Nate call out from the top of the stairs. "Babe are you coming? I thought you were gonna help wash my back."

The teasing grin falls from his face as he pretends to only now notice the girl standing next to me. Dressed only in a towel with trickles of water running down his chest. He makes his way down the stairs.

Looking at the girl he puts on an adorable show of confusion. "Hey. Jessica, right?"

"It's Olivia!" She huffs.

"Sorry, I'm not the best with names." Nate says with a careless shrug. "What are you doing here?"

"I just got back Paris. I thought maybe you and I could catch up." Olivia says with a sultry smile.

"Ah. Well you see, the thing is...That won't be possible. I have a girlfriend now and she doesn't like sharing." He punctuates that statement by wrapping his arms around me and pulling my back against his front.

"Girlfriend? But you said you didn't do relationships?!"

"What can I say? This little spitfire walked into my life and turned it upside down."

Giving her a sweet smile I add "We are even living together. Isn't that great?"

"Are you serious?!" She cries in outrage.

"Absolutely. She moved in just last week. It was nice seeing you Olivia but we have some stuff to do."

Oliva sends me a murderous glare before turning to storm out. We stand in the doorway, wrapped in each other's arms and wave goodbye at the fuming redhead. As if she were a welcome guest that we were sending off instead of the nuisance she is.

Once her car is out if sight I pull away from Nate's embrace.

Nate sighs  in relief "Thanks Jen. I've got to head out."

"Sure. Let's do that again, never."

His laughter follows me up the stairs as he calls out "You know you loved it!"

If only he knew how true that was.

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