Chapter 9

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We have been staying with Nate and Tyler for almost a week now. Neither of us has brought up the almost kiss and that's fine by me.

I was getting bored being home alone all day. While Cassie, Tyler and Nate were at work I lazed around. Reading, watching trashy reality shows and eating junk food.

Today, however I decided to bake. I love baking. It's something I did often with my mom. I wanted to bake a few things for Nate and Tyler as a thank you for helping us out.

Since I didn't know what kind of treats they liked I went with a few common favorites. Chocolate chip cookies, fudge brownies and vanilla cupcakes. I was whipping up a batch of vanilla buttercream frosting when Cassie got home.

"Something smells good." She calls out before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, how was your day?"

"Tiring. Can I have one of these?" She asks pointing to a brownie.

"Sure. I made them for the guys, to say thank you."

"That's sweet. I've just been giving Tyler head." She say like we're talking about the weather.


"What? It's true." She giggles.

Shaking my head but laughing with her, I grab a piping bag and fill it with the frosting.

"What's so funny?" Tyler asks wrapping his arms around Cassie.

I hadn't even heard them come in. Nate comes over to watch as I ice the cupcakes. "Is that buttercream?"


"Jenna baked you guys these goodies to say thank you." Cassie says.

Before I can blink Nate grabs a hold of my hand and dips my finger into the bowl of remaining frosting. Then I watch, entranced, as he lifts my finger to his soft lips and his mouth envelopes my finger tip to suck off the frosting.

He let's go of my hand and smacks his lips. "Vanilla, my favorite."

"Uh-oh Jenna you have unleashed the monster. Nate has a weakness for vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting. He might not let you leave now." Tyler teases.

I try to ignore the heat rising on my cheeks and continue to decorate the cupcakes. When Tyler goes to reach for a cupcake Nate growls and snatches it out of his hand.

Cradling his hand to his chest Tyler feigns injury. "See I told you, he's a cupcake whore!" Tyler pouts like a kid and Cassie and I double over with laughter.

After dinner, we clear up the kitchen and say our good nights. We all burst out with laughter when Nate carries the entire Tupperware of cupcakes to his room.


Hey guys! I know it was short but I hope you liked it.

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