Chapter 34

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After finding the pictures of Jenna at Travis's apartment we call the cops. Fortunately being from an influential family, and having the money that we do, we have a few contacts at the local police department. So I didn't have to hear any stories about waiting 24 hours before filing a police report.

Two police officers show up at Travis's apartment and we explain the situation, yet again, while they take notes. We give them a copy of the security tapes from the resort, the number for Travis from Cole, and they have all the pictures from Travis's closet. They tell us that they will let us know as soon as they find something.

"That isn't good enough. I can't just sit around and wait to hear from the cops. I need to find her, now." I say to Tyler and Cassie as I pace the sidewalk, outside Travis's apartment.

"You're right Nate. If it were Cassie I would lose my ever loving mind. Besides we have no idea what this guy is capable of." Tyler says.

"Those pictures...they- he's obviously obsessed with her. We need to do whatever it take to find her." Cassie adds.

"We will, I promise." I hug Cassie, more for me than for her. I'm just as, if not more, worried about Jenna but I will find her, no matter what.


We pay another visit to Cole but unfortunately he isn't much help. They maybe be cousins but they might as well have been strangers.

"Sorry man I only hang out with him cause my mom forces me to take him out with me. He's always been a weird loner. Guess my mom was right to be worried about all the time he spends alone huh."

Cole gives us his parents address and calls ahead to let his mom know we are coming. After exchanging unnecessary pleasantries I tell her what happen last night and what we know so far.

"Oh God." Mrs. Carter says shaking her head. "Travis is such a sweet boy." She sniffs and walks away. She stops in front of a window and stares out at the ocean. "My sister and I were so happy when we found out we were pregnant at the same time. Cole and Travis were born just a few weeks apart. As the boys got older we used to joke that Cole got all the charm and Trav got all the brains. Cole loves being around people, he thrives in social situations. But not Travis he's so smart but he's always been more reserved."

Turning to face us she continues. "After my sister and her husband were killed in a car accident Travis came to live with us. He was just a little boy. He was so quiet, always keeping to himself, staying in his room. He barely said anything to any of us. He went to school, did his homework, kept his room clean, got good grades but he was just existing. He wasn't enjoying his life and being a kid.

I knew he was hurting so I let him be. But as he got older I just couldn't stand it. I know all teenagers are moody and stuff but I worried about Travis. It's not healthy to keep everything bottled up inside but he wouldn't talk to us and I didn't want to force him to see a shrink. So I stared forcing him to got out with Cole. Trying to get him to be social, to make friends and open himself up. His parents were gone but he was still here. He had a life to live and I wanted him to live it to the fullest because I love him like my own." She breaks off into sobs.

Cassie gets up and goes to comfort her. I feel sorry for her but the biggest thing in my mind is that we are wasting time here. Just as I stand, and I'm about to make our excuses so we can leave, Mrs. Carter daintily wipes her face and looks at us.

"I guess Travis isn't very good at expressing his feelings and I haven't helped him with that. No matter what though he is a good boy and I know he wouldn't hurt your friend. Especially not if he has any feelings for her." She takes a deep breath before carrying on.

"After his parents died they left him an inheritance. One the properties left to him was his father's favorite. It's an old fishing cabin up in the woods, about two hours outside of the city. He and his dad used to go out there when he was a kid, it's a special place and I think he might have gone there."

Once we have directions to the cabin we take off. I hope Jenna is okay. As soon as I have her back in my arms I'll tell her how I really feel about her, the first chance that I get.

How he really feels?!
Hope your enjoying it peeps!



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