Chapter 11

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I have been couped up inside for almost 2 weeks. Most of my friends are working or on holiday.

So today I have decided to get out of the house. I start my morning off with a leisurely walk on the beach. Then I head out to the book store here in Emmery hills that is half book store, half coffee shop.

I'm browsing the romance section, muttering under my breath about one of the books when I hear a familiar voice.

"I thought we spoke about this talking to yourself business."

"Travis! Hey, how are you?" I ask. I haven't seen him since the party.

"Good. How about you? I heard you moved into Nate's place."

"How did you know?"

"Rich folk like to gossip." He teases. "Anyway, do you have time to grab a coffee with me

"Sure that sounds nice."

We leave the book section of the store and go to the coffee side.

Travis and I make small talk. I explain how Cassie and I ended up living with Nate and Tyler. He tells me about his favorite new online game. Before we know it an hour has passed and Travis has errands to run.

We exchange phone numbers before we part ways. I go back to the book store to pick out a book before heading home.

Back at the house I'm sitting in an arm chair in the living room by the window. I'm reading my new book and snacking on chips when my phone rings.

Seeing it's Nate I answer and hit loud speaker.

"Hey miss me already?" I tease.

He chuckles. "Of course I am. I'll be home in a little while I wanted to see if I should pick up dinner."

*Glass breaking*

"Ahhhh!" I yell out as something makes contact with my shoulder.

"Jenna?! Are you alright? What was that?!"

I look down to see what hit me. A large rock, attached to a stuffed toy cow.

"Jenna? Are you there?!"

Picking up my phone I tell him "I'm here. Some psycho just threw a rock threw your living room window."

"I'm almost there. Sit tight."

Not even 5 minutes later Nate comes rushing into the living room.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

I'm a little freaked out and my shoulder hurts so I don't protest when he takes me into his arms and rubs my back.

"The rock hit shoulder but I'm ok."

He checks my shoulder and swears. "There's already a bruise forming."

"There's a note attached to the stuffed cow thingy. There is also red paint coming out of it to look like blood."

He picks note up off the floor.

*Stay away from him you fat whore, or else!*

I shiver at the sight of the creepy looking hybrid stuffed animal. It has a cow's body and a scary looking doll's head. With the red paint spilling out like blood.

"It's from Olivia. She called me a fat bitch that day too."

"I am so sorry Jenna this is all my fault. But it could have been someone other than Olivia."

"How could it be anyone else? She's the only one who thinks I'm your girlfriend."

Sighing he replies "Yeah but she didn't keep that little tid bit to herself."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's big news that I'm suddenly living with someone and claiming to be in a committed relationship."

"That's how Travis knew I was staying here. Olivia has been flapping her gums."

"Who's Travis?"

"A new friend of mine."

"Oh well anyway there maybe a few more crazies that drop by. Freaking out about you being my girlfriend. Just handle them the way you did Olivia okay."

"Great." I reply sarcastically.

"I'm going to get the window sorted out. You go get that paint washed off you."

While Nate is on the phone, getting someone to come fix the broken window I go get a broom and the dust pan. I clean up the pieces of glass laying on the floor and throw out the scary looking toy.

Then I head upstairs to clean myself up and relax in my room. I watch a movie to try and get the image of that doll face out of my head.

When Cassie gets home I explain why the window was being replaced.

"That's insane! This girl could have really hurt you."

"Maybe we shouldn't have been so in her face about our fake relationship."

"This is not your fault Jenna. It's her for being a jealous psycho bitch and Nate's because he can't keep it in his pants."

I let Cassie continue ranting as we prepare dinner. Before the guys join us I beg her to just let it go and not argue with Nate about what happened today.

Cassie is fiercely protective of the people that she loves. I just don't want her fighting with Nate for nothing. He didnt ask for Olivia to do this any more than I did.

I just hope nothing like this, or worse, happens again.

Hey people, I hope you enjoyed it.
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