Someone Like You

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sorry for not updating in forever, i was uninspired and oof. HTTYD3 Spoilers got me crying and Im still NOT ready for this final movie. Im not ready to let go. 

This one shot is about Hiccup letting astrid go, which means there's no real hiccstrid in this i guess. theyre just best friends at the age of 24 and 23.

im listening to adele - someone like you while writing this and i  a m  e m o t i o n a l

also there's ed sheeran lyrics in this "Thinking out loud" 

Enjoy reading (':


Hiccup was standing in front of the mirror in his apartment, wearing a grey suit, white dress shirt and black tie. His hair still not quite tamed, but also not in its usual completely wild style. He sighed and looked around his apartment, noticing once again how lonely his life was. 

He wished he had had the guts to ask her out back in High School, but he missed his chance and now, 6 years after they left high school and she met him, he was invited to their wedding. He was angry at himself, for not having the guts to ask the love of his life out, but he was happy that she found her other half nonetheless. 

He just wished it was him she was marrying instead.

Hiccup checked his watch and turned, checking there was still food and water left in Toothless' bowls, then he fussed the cat's head gently and walked out of the door, getting into his car. He himself was still single, his heart still firmly attached to his best friend and long time crush. He knew he had to let her go, today at the very last, but it just hurt to think about it. Thinking that she will have a family of her own with someone that wasn't him. 

The young man had a girlfriend once, but that was a long time ago. They simply hadn't worked out, at least that's what Hiccup kept telling himself for the sake of his own sanity. 

Hiccup arrived two hours before everyone else did on her request. He walked inside and looked for her, he heard excited voices and saw her mother, who cheerily waved at him and wrapped him in a tight hug. Her parents were like family to him. Another thing that made it even more painful to know she'd get married to someone else today. 

The young man returned the hug, his long arms wrapping firmly around Ingrid Hofferson's back. She pulled back and rested a hand on his cheek, "I'm so glad you could make it," the words were spoken so quietly, Hiccup almost missed them, but he smiled sadly. 

Ingrid was well aware of the fact that Hiccup had a huge crush on her daughter. She knew it since both were just little kids. The way the young man looked at her daughter left little room to interpret anything else. She wondered greatly why he never asked her out, the two of them would have made the perfect couple. 

The older Hofferson was still happy for her daughter, though, for she seemed to have found the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. 

Ingrid led him to a room and Hiccup felt his breath hitch, seeing her there, her wedding dress hung up and looking beautiful as ever. Her long, blonde hair was just being braided and Hiccup had to peel his eyes off her to avoid anyone noticing him staring at the young woman that was about to get married

Astrid had her eyes closed as her mother and mother-in-law resumed braiding her hair. Hiccup just stood there, watching and feeling oddly out of place. He always felt like he belonged with the Hoffersons; Astrid, her mother and her father, but right now, here in this small room where Astrid was being prepared for her big day, he felt like he didn't belong, not anymore. 

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