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It was a cold, berkien night, an eighteen-year-old Hiccup Haddock was driving home, his little sister sitting next to him, safely in her child car seat, she's snoring slightly and Hiccup couldn't help but smile. She was his everything, his sisters name is Luisa Haddock, she just turned seven and Hiccup had been picking her up from one of her friends houses, where she was staying after school. Hiccup's parents are the CEOs of a big company that's technically known all around the world, which means that they didn't really have time for their children. Hiccup was used to it and he made it to his responsibility that his sister isn't growing up all alone. He spent so much time home alone, or with one of his father's close friends Gobber, that he kind of missed his whole childhood with his parents. Not that he did care anymore, the past is in the past and he's determined to be a good brother to his little sister.

Hiccup stopped at an intersection, seeing that the traffic light was red, he put the car to a halt. He glanced over to his sister again which was now moving a little bit in her seat, 'seems like she's having a dream,' he thought and smiled. Hiccup was currently in his last year of High School and almost half of the year is over. The auburn haired male was a good student and had a very real chance to get a scholarship from his favorite college since he was part of the school's soccer team, where he was technically the best player.

Hiccup's mind drifted to his friends, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Astrid, Ruffnut and Tuffnut. They were an inseparable team since they were ten years old and they would be going to the same college after they graduated, which was just great since it would be much easier with some good friends at your side. As the traffic light turned green, Hiccup started to drive slowly, careful not to crash the car since the street was full of ice during the cold months in Berk. Hiccup was always driving carefully since if he crashed the car and someone, his friends or sister, would get hurt, or even worse, killed, during a crash, he'd feel guilty. But who would not? The drive was quiet until Hiccups phone started to ring, Hiccup took it and glanced at the screen, seeing that his best friend, Astrid Hofferson, was calling him.

He accepted the call, "hey Astrid," he greeted.

"Hiccup, can you come over? I need your help!" Astrid exclaimed and Hiccup took a glance at his watch. It was almost 8 pm and he still had to make dinner for his sister since his parents were on some kind of business trip for two weeks.

He sighed, "when exactly," he said, "I need to take care of my sister, she still hasn't eaten, ya know," he told her and Astrid groaned in frustration.

"She can come too, my parents aren't home tonight and I was going to order pizza anyway," Astrid said, "I really need your help, please!" She pleaded and Hiccup chuckled.

"Alright, alright, I'll be there in about 15 minutes," he told her and Astrid sighed in relief..

"Thank you and drive carefully, the streets are full of ice," the girl reminded him.

"I noticed, see you in a few minutes."

"Yep, see ya," with that they hung up.

Hiccup put his phone away and took a left turn, driving to Astrid's place. Hiccup felt movement next to him and he took a glance to the right, seeing his sister looking at him with a smile om her face, "was that your girlfriend?" She asked him and Hiccup blushed.

Man, he really wished that Astrid was his girlfriend. She was beautiful, smart, athletic, cool and... well she was just perfect. But Hiccup assumed that she wasn't into guys like him. Sure, he was athletic too, but he wasn't buff like the other guys in his team. Which kind of was an advantage since he could easily sprint towards the goal to score. Well, let's just say Hiccup didn't think that Astrid had any interest in him. "N-no, she's not my girlfriend Luisa," he said and Luisa just rose an eyebrow.

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