Where We Belong

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hey I'm sorry for not updating in a long time but idk my writing literally sucks but i need to practice for my final exam (yes lmao) and so I thought sure, let's try it again. I hope you guys enjoy (this will probably be short af)


It has been about five weeks since the dragon riders returned from Dragons Edge. The gang was happy that they were finally home again, the Edge was a great adventure for them all, it helped them to learn a lot of valuable lessons and it also helped them to become an even better team than before.
New friendships and alliances have formed while they were gone, they finally made peace with Dagur and the dragon riders also defeated the dragon hunters.

It has been a big surprise for everyone to find out that Trader Johann was behind everything all along. It's hard to understand that someone you trusted with very important information and someone you thought you were able to rely on turns out to be the leader of an army of dragon hunters.

The dragon riders were able to cope with the challenge though. It cost them a lot of energy and they had to fight hard to archive their goal, but everything was worth it. The toughest of times were over and now everything was back to normal.
They were back on Berk, doing their chores and helping around the village. It wasn't like they hadn't missed it at all while they were gone, they all had, but it was a really nice experience to live on your own for a while, facing the challenges life brings along alone, just with the people you trusted and - for two specific riders - loved.

While being on the Edge Hiccup and Astrid finally managed to confess their love for each other. It took them a while, but through the adventures and challenges they faced, they now were a much stronger team than before. They knew they could always rely on each other, always trust the other.

Of course the bond with their dragons strengthened as well. Facing countless battles with the creatures got the dragon riders to know their own dragon - and other dragon riders' dragons - a lot better. 

They now were 19 years old, which meant that they had a lot more responsibilities than before. Some of them didn't have a problem with that, while others just couldn't accept the fact that it was time to start thinking about their future, their job and the place they had to take in in the village.

It was especially hard for Hiccup, who was still often out in the wide world, exploring it, marking down new islands and dragons on his map, testing new inventions and just spending a lot of time away from the village, desperately trying to stay away from his responsibilities as future chief, much to the dismay of the current chief, Stoick the Vast.

It worried a lot of people in the village, seeing their future chief trying to get as far away from every responsibility as possible. Hiccup knew that it was almost time for him to take over the reins, yet he simply didn't want to accept it, feeling like no one, except his loyal dragon, understood him. Understand his need to explore everything, his need to find himself before losing himself for the sake of other people again.

It was a struggle for him, he didn't talk about it, but a certain girl knew exactly why he was still running away from his duty, but every time she tried to talk to him about it, he found an excuse and ran away, leaving Astrid worried.

The blonde noticed that Hiccup got a lot quieter since they returned from their adventures, a lot of people did, but no one managed to get through him yet, not even his father.
Stoick and his son had a huge fight one day, which ended in Hiccup flying off and not returning for a few days. No one knew where he went, some believing he actually died.
When he returned he didn't speak at all, minded his father, he didn't even talk to Astrid as much as he used to, and it really worried the Viking girl.

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