It Really is You

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I got woken up by my annoying alarm clock, telling me that it was already 7 am and I should get ready for school. I groaned and slammed my hand onto the alarm clock, turning it off. I got up and slowly made my way to the bathroom, staring at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed that I look like a mess. My blonde hair was everywhere and I had some dark circles under my eyes because I didn't get enough sleep due to exams lately. I slowly got ready and then walked into the kitchen where my mom had already prepared breakfast before she left for work. I sat down at the kitchen table and slowly started eating my breakfast.

After finishing my breakfast, I grabbed my bag and left my house, starting to walk to school. I hated school and exam week was over but there'll be more exams coming in one or two weeks. Every student in my year was totally stressed out and everyone just wanted the exams to be done. The only reason why I'm not completely stressed out yet, are my friends. Those would be, Snotlout Jorgenson, the guy whose ego is as big as his brain, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston who are still kids inside. Fishlegs Ingerman who is the nerd of our little gang, Heather Oswaldson, the one person I could talk about everything with, and last but not least, Hiccup Haddock, my best friend and crush ever since we were little.

Hiccup and I were best friends since we were kids. We now are fifteen and to be honest, I'd never thought I'd fall in love with him. Since we were friends Hiccup has always been kind to me, he always helped me if I needed help and he was there whenever I felt down. I really developed feelings for him and I was curious if he felt the same. I mean we're just fifteen and I think I'll wait a few years until I confess to him, maybe he doesn't feel the same way and when I ask him I ruin our friendship.

Hiccup is the smallest and skinniest of us, he has auburn hair and amazing, mesmerizing emerald green eyes. His father owns a big company which is known all over the world. That's why his father isn't at home very often. Hiccup doesn't really seem to bother since he and his dad never got along really well. Hiccups mother died when he was just ten years old, in a car accident which Hiccup was involved in too. He barely survived and was in a coma for several weeks, I remember that I visited him every day, holding his hand and telling him what happened that day. When he woke up, he told me that he really heard some of the stories I told him even tho he was unconscious. I don't know how often I thanked Thor for giving him a chance to fight for his life that day, I don't know if I could live without my best friend anymore.

I arrived at school and walked into our classroom, seeing my friends already at their seats, talking about something. Hiccup was there too and he noticed me first, smiling at me. But something was wrong, his smile was different. Normally, when Hiccup smiled his eyes had some sparks in them, not this time, he looked tired and... sad. I frowned and proceeded my walk to my seat next to him. I was greeted by my friends and Heather hugged me before we sat down. We still had a few minutes left before the teacher would enter the classroom to start the lesson. It was Friday and our first class was Viking History which was always boring but with Hiccup next to me, it was alright. Our teacher was a middle aged man with brown hair and a really boring and slow voice, his name was Viggo Grimborn. Yeah, strange name but we're Vikings, strange names are usual for us.
Once Grimborn entered the classroom, we turned our attention to him, and the lesson started.

Something about Hiccups behavior was off, he was quiet and wouldn't respond to me as happily as he usually did. I knew him very well, something was bothering him and he was too afraid to tell me. Hiccup knew that he could tell me everything and he usually did, that's why it freaked me out that he didn't tell me this time.

Once we had our first break, the others went to the cafeteria, "you coming too?" Tuffnut asked me and Hiccup as he got up and followed the others outside. Hiccup didn't look up and just stared at his sheet of paper, shaking his head, so did I and Tuff shrugged, then went after the other guys.

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