The Perfect Sleepover

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This is Berk, it's a small Island in the northern sea. In the earlier centuries, it was the home of Vikings - tough men and women were living here in peace and harmony. The people of Berk all knew each other, and each of them knew the Chief of Berk. A man named Hagan Haddock. He was a strong man and the best Chief Berk ever had.

Years have passed and Berk has evolved. It's not that small village anymore, it's a very busy city. It's a huge import and export city and a well sailed haven. A lot has changed, everything's modern now. But there's one thing that hasn't changed, the tradition. Christmas is still called Snoggletog and the Haddocks are still the Chiefs of Berk. Well they're not called Chiefs anymore, they're called Mayors. There's only one family called Haddock in Berk, and lucky me,  I'm one of them. May I introduce myself, my name is Hiccup Haddock The Third, I'm the son of our current Mayor Stoick The Vast Haddock and his heir. My father is a busy man, he's leading our home town by example, not by bossing everyone around. That's why everyone says he's one of our best leaders. I'm currently 18 years old and about to graduate. I mean, it's not that bad to be the son of the Mayor, we've got a big house and I can do whatever I want to do, just because my dad isn't home to tell me to stop. Don't get me wrong I'm not a bad boy, I'm a screw up that hasn't had any friends back in elementary school and has been bullied, but things changed and now I have six awesome friends.

Speaking of six awesome friends "Earth to Hiccup? Hello, uhm guys, he's in his own world again," Snotlout - my cousin - said waving a hand in front of my face.

"Wait lemme fix that," Astrid Hofferson - my crush oh my Thor I wish she was my girlfriend - said and before I could do anything she punched my shoulder, hard.

"Ow, why would you do that?!" I exclaimed, rubbing the sore spot. Astrid smiled and the other guys started laughing, "so not funny," I said.

"You were stuck in your own dream world again so I helped you, you're welcome," Astrid said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, thank you for another bruise," I said and turned away.

Snotlout was getting impatient, "ugh, come on now, we really need to plan this guys," he said with an annoyed voice. If you wonder what he's talking about, let me explain. So I'm currently at Night Fury Cafe with my friends Astrid, Heather, Fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut. We're planning to have a sleepover at my place this weekend and Snotlout wants to have the 'perfect' one.

"This has to be a great sleepover so could we please carry on?!" Snotlout said and everyone nodded. "So Hiccup, you're buying the pizza, Astrid you help Hiccup and..."

"Come on I'm able to get a few pizzas, Astrid doesn't need to help me." I said cutting him off mid sentence. Though I'd love to spend more time with her.

"Do NOT interrupt me!" He said and scowled at me.

I just rolled my eyes, "yes mom," I said making the others laugh.

"I'll buy some movies, Ruff, Tuff you buy some drinks." He said and the twins grinned, "NO alcohol please!" Snotlout added and the twins' grins faded. "Fishlegs and Heather you go get some snacks." They all nodded and rose from their seats. "We meet at Hiccup's place tomorrow at 8 pm," he said and the others nodded again and left the cafe.

I walked beside Astrid, "uh... Since we have to get the pizzas we need to meet up a little bit earlier," I started and she looked at me and smiled, "so how about you come to my place at uh, 6pm?" I asked and she nodded.

"Maybe I'll come a little bit earlier than that," she said and continued walking.

I couldn't help but smile as we continued walking to the parking lot together. "Want a ride home?" I asked her and got my keys out of my pocket, since I'm eighteen, I already have my drivers license.

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