I Want To Help

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It was a sunny Saturday in Berk. Everyone was outside, shopping or just walking around in the City. Hiccup, a fiftheen year old boy, with shaggy, auburn hair and green eyes was entering the Berk central Bank with his mother, Valka. Hiccup was excited, he could finally start taking some driving lessons this week.
Valka and her son had just entered the bank, and stood in one of the lines, as a loud sound was heard, and everyone's heads snapped up.

Four men with masks and weapons, mostly pistols, entered the bank and one of them had shot in the air, to get everyone's attention. "Nobody moves!" He announced as his accomplices slowly started walking to the counter, pointing their weapons at the women behind it, forcing them to give them access to the safe.

Hiccup watched everything, and felt that his mother was slowly taking his arm, pulling him against her. The boy turned around to see nothing but pure fear in his mother's eyes. Then, Hiccup turned back, to see that the man who told the crowd to stay still, slowly walked towards them, pointing his weapon right at the boys face.
Before Hiccup could do anything, the masked man snatched him from his mother's arms, pressing the weapon to his temple. Hiccup's heart skipped a beat, as the cold metal touched his skin.


Nobody made a move, except one person. Valka tried to wrestle her son free. Another loud sound was heard, and after that, a thud. "NO!"

Hiccup tried to struggle free from the mans grasp, but froze as he felt the cold metal against his temple again. The men hurried and got as much money out of the safe as they could. "Come on," one of them said to the man that had Hiccup in his hands, "we got enough!" He said and the man nodded, but didn't just release the boy. He raised his hand, and slammed the weapon onto Hiccups forehead, the boy led out a muffled groan and collapsed next to his mother, forehead bleeding.


The next thing he could remember were sirens. But it weren't sirens this time, it was his alarm clock.


"Okay, okay," Hiccup groaned and smashed a hand onto his alarm clock. He then groaned again and got up, Hiccup walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a mess, dark circles under his eyes, his hair was tousled and he was sweating like he just ran a marathon. It's been four years since his mothers death, and he still wasn't over the loss. Hiccup had nightmares, almost every night he saw the same scene, his mother, trying to get him out of the mans grasp, the shot and finally, the thud.

His father knew that Hiccup was still suffering and he did his best to be at the boys side, but as mayor, he had other duties and couldn't be at the boys side every day for the rest of his life.

Hiccup got ready for school and made his way downstairs, where his father was already waiting. "You look like a mess, son," he stated while reading the newspaper.

Hiccup sighed and poured some muesli into a bowl, "thank you, for summing that up," he commented dryly.

Stoick looked at his son with sad and worried eyes, "you need distraction, son," he said and Hiccup rolled his eyes, "I'm fine dad, really," he assured his father and Stoick sighed. There was no chance he could change his stubborn sons mind.

They sat there in silence for the rest of their breakfast. Hiccup finished his muesli and got back up stairs to get his schoolbag, once he entered his room, he closed the door and sat on the chair in front of his desk. He opened one of the drawers of his desk, and got out a blade. He then slowly pulled up the sleeve of his shirt, and slowly started cutting the skin of his upper arm. He sighed and smiled as he saw how the blood slowly poured out of the cut. Once he was done, he put the blade on his desk and used a tissue to wipe away the blood. He covered the wound with his sleeve, grabbed his bag, said goodbye to his dad, who obviously didn't knew anything about his sons self harm, and walked to school.

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