Henry Bowers (It 2017)

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Henry was bullying another little kid

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Henry was bullying another little kid. Which normally didn't bother you, but this time it did. This little kid had done nothing wrong, unlike most of them.

Henry was now beating the shit out of this innocent kid as you stood behind Patrick awkwardly.

"C'mon Henry this kid didn't-" You were cut off by your boyfriend of three years screaming in your face. He has never screamed at you. Ever.

Patrick gawked between the two of you. Just as surprised as you were at Henry's sudden actions.

"You know what Henry?! Fuck you! You ruin these innocent little kids lives. What the fuck did they, or I ever do to you?! I can't believe I ever decided to go out with a piece of shit like you! YOU ARE JUST LIKE YOUR FUCKING FATHER HENRY!!" You continued to scream those hurtful words as tears hit your eyes.

You realized what you had said. You knew that one statement was something that could send that boy into such a mental breakdown, he could have died. You'd accidentally said it before in 7th grade, and he was in the hospital for about 2 weeks from trying to kill himself. You had just ruined it. Everything you had with this boy. All the trust you had built up.

"Go." Henry barely squeaks. The boys looked between each other and I, now knowing who this was pointed towards.

"GO!" Henry screams at all of us, as tears run down his face uncontrollably. You wanted to hug him, you wanted to comfort him in any way possible. But you knew how he lashed out, and it wasn't good to even look at him right now.

You pulled the boys along with you as you made your way across the bridge to the car. You hopped in the back between Pat and Victor, as Victor uneasily wrapped an arm around you. You leaned in, needing bit of comfort at this point.

-3 hours later-

You and the boys had just been sitting at Belch's house in silence, afraid of what to say.

That's when Victor decided you guys should ride back over to the bridge, and see if Henry was still there. You said you would go by yourself, but Belch insisted you let him drive you; and he promised he would stay in the car.

When you pulled up, you saw Henry still sitting there, knees to his chest. He was shaking, and mumbling something, with his knife held tight in his hand. That was what his first breakdown was like. He sat there for hours with his dad's gun, just talking and scolding himself.

"Hen?" You whisper as you walk slowly towards him, with both your hands up.

"Henry, baby?" You approached him as if he was a rabid dog. You had finally reached him, and sat down beside of him.

"Henry?" You put your hand lightly on his shoulder, as you realized what he was whispering. 'I'm a monster' and 'just like dad'. You didn't mean to do this.

You reached out with your other hand to grab his cheek, and lift his face to see you.

"You are NOT a monster. And you definitely aren't like your dad." Tears we're running down your face as well now.

"But you said I was..." he trailed off, piercing the knife into the center of his palm. He winced, and began to cry into the crook of my neck.

"Baby. It's alright. I didn't mean it, I was just angry." You attempted to console him as you pulled his switchblade out of his grip.

"Why?" He chokes out, pretty loudly.

"Hm?" You were confused by what he meant.

"Why would you say that Y/N?" He look up you again, scanning your eyes for any sort of anger.

"I-i don't know Henry. I'm a bad person. I hurt you. Why would you stay with me?" You began to hurt so much more than before. What you said was true. This had been the second time you had hurt him.

"No. It's my fault. I am like my dad." He shakes his head and gulps, taking uneasy breaths.

"C'mon Henry. I need to take you home." You were planning to take him to Belch's house which is where you were going to clean his hand up.

"I'm not going home. I can't go back home. He's such a horrible person. I can't-" Henry continued to ramble about his father.

"Henry. Henry. Henry!" He finally stopped talking. "We're going to Belch's House. Come on." You has managed to pull him up by his arm. He stumbled back to the car with you. You'll be sure that'll never happen again.

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