Edward Nygma (Gotham) -request-

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The cell floor Wendy lay on was cold, though she was not aloud a bed

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The cell floor Wendy lay on was cold, though she was not aloud a bed. She could harm with someone with it. She wasn't aloud anything, other than the small tank, shorts, and undergarments she wore.

She had an on-going home with herself that she thought to be a genuine Hannibal Lector. They treated her just like him, dangerous. Wendy could manipulate, just like Lector. That made her chuckle.

The sound of a clink and footsteps on the stone drew her attention. She rolled over onto her stomach, propping herself on her palm.

"You know the rules, Nygma." Edward walked through the door, nodding at the guard as he walked past.

"Oh, Edward. Delightful to see you." Wendy smiles, as Edward sends a smile back, and sitting on the ground in front of her.

"How are this evening, Wendy?" Wendy rolled her eyes and shook her head. This was all part of their everyday ritual. Edward would come, small talk, give her a few riddles, and leave.

A lonely existence, considering she waited for this the entire of the rest of the week.

"Well, Edward. Arkham isn't exactly the most enjoyable place in the world." Wendy cut her eyes towards him, to which he just smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I'm aware of the tests, if that's what you're wondering." He knew she could tell what he was thinking, therefore it was easier to be an open book.

"And you're here to take one?" Wendy already knew the answer, though she wanted to test his honesty.

"You know the answer to that, Wendy." His smile faded, and he began to fidget with his hands.

"Then let's get on with it, now. Hand over the blindfold." She was eager, yet disappointed nonetheless. She thought she could trust him not to be like the guards at Arkham, but she knew they were making him. She saw the guard hand him the blindfold.

Edward slid the blindfold through the bars, making sure to make eye contact with Wendy.

She steadied herself as she sat up, putting the blindfold on and sighing.

"Bring him in." She wanted to get this done. The less time this took, the more time she would have with Edward. Only her and Edward.

Another rattle was heard, before the door opened again. She heard agitated mumbling, and the shuffle of at least two feet.

"D-don't let her hurt me." She knew that voice. It was some other patient from Arkham. Some cult man, who Wendy didn't know much about.

"Relax, William. She's not aloud to cause physical harm or her visit permissions will be taken away." A gasp escaped Wendy's lips, shocked the guards would threaten her with such a thing.

"It's alright, Wendy. They legally cannot do that." Edward's soothing voice was heard, calming her almost immediately.

She was drained afterwards. Turns out leaving your own physical form to enter someone else's was not that simple.

Edward knew that, so the two sat in silence. Wendy stole glances at him every little while.

"May I have my riddles now, Edward?" Wendy tilted her head.

"Are you sure you aren't too tired?" He furrowed his eyebrows and she shook her head. "Alright then." He sat up straighter, looking at her.

"Wait. Why must you tell me riddles, Edward?"

"Ladies love that." He smirked, adjusting his tie. "Right?" He then questioned himself.


"Anyways." Edward let out an awkward chuckle. "A man. He was born before his dad, killed his mother, and married his sister. How?" He knew this was simple for her. Like asking a high schooler what  one plus one was.

"Oh. Come on, that's so simple!" Wendy laughed, Scooting closer to the bars. "His father was present when he was born, his mother died during childbirth, and he became a pastor and married his sister at the chapel. Simple." Wendy shrugged.

"One more." Edward smiles at her cleverness.

"But, that was so easy!" Wendy whined like a child.

"A boy has as many sisters as brothers, but each sister has only half as many sisters as brothers. How many are there?"

Wendy pondered for a couple minutes.

"Four brothers, three sisters."

"There you go. Great." Edward smiled again, realizing the session was going to an end. He stood up to leave, before Wendy stood too, running to the closest part of the cell to him.

"Edward, before you leave, I have a question."

Edward, intrigued, walked back towards her cell. He was inches away from her. They had never been this close.

"Why don't they let me out? Everyone else gets to leave." Edward could see the desperation in her eyes. She wanted to leave.

"You don't exactly let a dangerous animal out of its cage and expect it not to attack." Edward didn't know much else to say.

She stayed silent, not sure how to respond. He looked at her, and saw how let down she was.

"Kiss me." Wendy suddenly announced, taking Edward by shock.


"Christ. Must I do everything?" Wendy shook her head, before grabbing his tie and pulling him to the bars. The kiss was a bit longer than expected. When they pulled away he raised his eyebrows.

"I'll see you next week, Wendy." He smiled before walking out the door, leaving her in isolation for a solid seven days.

But hey, who's counting?

dude i'm totally sorry this took forever but it's really long so.

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