Harvey Kinkle (Adventures of Sabrina) -request-

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"So." Sabrina wiggles her eyebrows at Alyssa, who drops the last box on top of another.

"You know it makes me mad you didn't help at all, right? Most of this is yours anyways." Alyssa sighed, looked around, and dusted her hands off before wiping beads of sweat.

"Oh come on. It didn't suck that bad." Sabrina smiled, her hair bouncing, and she ran off past Alyssa.

-2 Weeks Later-

"Guess What!?" Sabrina catches up with her cousin, who walked quickly back towards their home.

"What?" Alyssa wasn't exactly interested.

"Guess who's coming over tonight?! You do remember you asked me to find you a boyfriend? Don't you?" Sabrina giggled again, running quickly towards the door.

Alyssa groaned, remembering the idiotic joke she had made a couple days ago.

"And guess who I invited over? None other than your best friend Harvey!" Sabrina used a television show host tone while exclaiming the mystery boy's name.

"No you did not!" Alyssa gasps throwing her backpack on the floor and glaring at Sabrina.

"Oh yes I did." As if on que, there is a knock on the door.

"You are the worst, Sabrina." Alyssa rolls her eyes, walking to the door and opening it.

"Hey Alyssa." Harvey's innocent smile can be seen through the slit in the half open door.

"Hey Harvey." Alyssa half heartedly smiles and let's him through the door.

"So. You wanna go upstairs?"

"Um, sure." Alyssa was a bit stressed about the entire interaction, but decided not to say anything. She did send daggers towards Sabrina as she guided Harvey up the stairs though.


She had left the items from the ritual out last night.

"Um. Harvey, just hold on a second. I have to clean up a bit." She sent a smile in his direction, opening the door the least amount she could to squeeze through.

"Okay. Um, I'll just stand out here then."

Alyssa hurriedly packed all of the objects into her closet, ramming her shoulder against the door to close it.

"Hey." She opened the door back up, out of breathe and blew a piece of hair out of her face.

"You alright, Alyssa?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

"What? Yeah, oh yeah. Totally. Come on in."

He walked in, dropping his bag beside the door and continuing to walk beside of her. She sat down, attempting to look as calm as ever.

"Cool." She heard Harvey mumble under his breath.

"What's co-" She pauses when she saw what he was holding. "Oh."

"Is this real?" He held the ram skull up, examining it.

"Oh that silly old thing? No." She walked over to him, trying to take it from him.

"Are you some kind of witch or something?" He was really good at guessing.


"You are! That's awesome. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I thought you'd hate me?"

"Seriously?! I could never hate you."

"Why not?"

"Because I love you." He smiled at Alyssa, laying the skull back down on her desk.

"Harvey that was really cheesy." Alyssa started to laugh.


I'm sorry that took so long. I've been working on my John Lennon book but then I ended up unpublishing it because none of you read it so🤷🏾‍♀️😭.

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