Using Reference Tracks To Check Sonic Consistency

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The video above is how to import a track into Logic Pro X and use it to compare it with your song.

I use Magic AB. But you might not have that. If that is so, check out the video above. 

When referencing according to the video on the top, 

- -12 lfUS at the loudest part of the song. Check the loudness and use a gain plugin to turn the commercial track you are referencing from down. 

- bring the song to master/reference in above your reference track.

- compare them and get them to the same level (loudness) at the loudest part.

*You can use Logic Pro's Loudness meter to check. 

I prefer using Magic AB. 

I compare different frequency areas too: lows, low mids, high mids and highs using an EQ filter too. It's a big help to hear the differences.

Also, I listen to the individual instruments at the loudest part of the song and the verses to see if I have a good mix volumewise. 

The hardest part of all this is finding a good reference track! 

Hope this encouraged you too. Until next time!

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