Getting Indie Music Licensed

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After I get the Change My Mind album published, I am going to get some other songs licensed. Why? Because not all of my songs have words, I have a few instrumentals that could do well for a commercial or as a ringtone. There is serious money in licensing and we indies need to pay the bills. Think of licensing as a complement to streaming income. Streaming income + licensing income + live performances + donations....may be the combination you need to get by. It is by having multiple sources of income today that an indie can do music full time and still eat every day. 

I am not getting into the business of licensing music now. I just want to mention that this opportunity exists and list some valuable links for you and me to get started with it and to remind us of the opportunities that lie ahead. I hope to use this chapter to gather licensing links here for all of us indies who want to know more about how to go about it. Please note that the industry is changing and new opportunities come and go. Let's help each other out to get our music sold for licensing. Any tips? Pls give me a direct message here. Thanks!

Songtradr is the first one up with a great article with amazing tips. read it here:


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