3- 4 April: Indie Depression vs. Balance & Superfans

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April 3rd:

Patreon launch 

Patreon is a way for independent creators to get their fans involved in what they do and to receive support from them too. After a whole year of having an inactive Patreon account that was not visible for anyone, I decided to take the plunge and go public despite the horrors I've heard. It is a way to finance that I haven't tried yet. I just hope it doesn't get me all bogged up with making music especially for it so i lose sight of what I really should be focusing on: getting my albums done. It is never a good idea to spread yourself too thin. 

I am looking into Pledge music as well. But for now, no. Setting Patreon up took me the greater part of the day. I'd rather use my time doing mixing. Here is the link to Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elisabethkitzing

Photographer to my team!

Delegating tasks is so important as an indie musician. I just signed up a great photographer to work with for my photos and videos! PTL! Laila Gustafson and I will be working together to get the best nature pics available for use on my homepage and videos and some of my books. So grateful! I plan on visiting her later this Spring. I am looking forward to deepening our friendship too! The fact that she is willing to help me film nature for my lyrics videos is awesome. This is gonna be great, saving me time and increasing the quality of the videos. 

4th April 

Stuff I do every day

Quiet time with the Lord while eating breakfast- check. We all need to get love in in order to be able to get it out. I try to reflect daily and meditate on power verses from the Bible.

Practice song and guitar set(s)- check

Update social media outlets- check (I should go live more often as the release approaches).  And update Wattpad (doing now).

A quick plan for the day - check (but I really rushed through it.

I have been doing these things daily. It's great to do all this but because of the immense  competition and the sheer amount of music being put out daily, an indie musician has to take care of his or her body too. You can't just do the moves. Living in the balance is crucial. 

Keep the vision in place. If you lose your vision, you are wiped. In the Bible it says that without a vision the people perish. I don't think it's enough to make great music. You have to be on some sort of mission with it. For me, it is helping people stop, say no to unreasonable expectations and find peace of mind in being you, knowing your loved and valuable. 

If you stop block planning, you miss opportunities 

If you don't exercise, you get depressed and out of shape. And who wants to do Facebook Live when you feel out of shape and ugly?

Depression vs Superfans

Depression is something quite rampant among creatives. Read a good atticle on it.Find that here; http://indieconnect.com/musicians-depression/

Maybe the word depression is an exaggeration in my case, but I've been feeling it sporadically as the winter darkness, snow and sinus problems kept me indoors and lethargic. 

I am in a mental rut and I know why. I thought about doing a intro video to Patreon and starting to do Facebook live again but I feel ugly and worn out after a long winter. Almost no training and too much good food plus sitting and mixing has made me lose my form and my legs are swollen. The Winter months have also affected my feelings negatively. I found myself pushing myself without incentives. For a while, I had hoped to be done with the album this Spring but no. Everything is taking longer than expected.

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