Chapter 58

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With Lester.

"This is the address." He went up. "She still has the light on. She must be waiting on Allen." Lester knocks three times.

"Coming." Lester gulps. Emma opens the door. "Oh Lester, come on in, I didn't know y'all back."

"No, I'm good, I will stand out here."

"Hmm? Well, did the mission go?"

"It went well, we save everyone who was taken."

"That great! So, where Allen? Did he head back to the base with Hugo and the crew for a bit" she said with a smile. Lester didn't say anything. "Lester, I'm not liking the fact your not smiling. Isn't this a good thing Y'all got everyone back." Lester looks down and clenches his fist.

"We may have gotten everyone back, but we have some that didn't come back and some that were badly injured." Emma heard that and her heart sank.

"Please, Lester tell me who was injured?"

"Ora has a broken jaw, but will a make full recovery soon. Austin and Hugo have flesh wounds, but they will also make a full recovery." Lester begins to tear up. "But.....we lost two Aero.....*Sniff*....and them has lost Elisa......*sniff* while we were gone. Elisa and Kari.......was attack and right now unconscious and waiting to hear......if she will make it. Elisa.......Elisa died from protecting her kids. And......And........Allen.....he.....he......" Lester had a hard time getting the words out. "Allen died fighting protecting me."

Emma body shakes from hearing that.

"He.......gave me the chance to kill the guy.......he was killed by........I'm sorry. I couldn't promise-" Emma hug Lester. She was tearing as well. "Why.....*sniff* are you......not mad."

"Because he did something he wanted to he protect you. You were one of his future. It is a sibling job to protect their little sibling. I understand're upset it ok. I'm not mad. At came back." Lester cry into Emma's arm.

Master Shad watch from afar.

"I didn't think you would come out here."

"Oh...Neal, it's you. What may you come out here?"

"It hard."


Neal had his clench fist.

"Lester and Aero have been through a lot and I couldn't even help them. If only we were there when they need us. I feel like such a pathetic friend to them."

"Neal, listen to me when it comes to thing like this, things happen that people don't see coming."

"Master......this pain hurt...I don't want to feel this."

"Then next time, we will help them. If you want to be a true friend to them, then don't allow them to go that pain of losing someone again. You 5 must always have each other back. You five must know each other pain. You must watch out for each other like Y'all are brother and sister. Never forget that."

Neal had tears coming down his face. "I won't master.......I won't.

It has been 3 days since what happened. It didn't take long for Kari to make a full recovery. Lester was happy. The day she awoke she spend the day in the bed tearing up for letting Elisa died. Lester was there for her. It didn't take long for the world to find out the death of two people. Allen and Elisa's death was all over the news. Elisa, the handful that knew her were heartbroken. When Aero told her parents to tell them. They were broken to hear that the lost a child. Aero told them about their power. They told him they weren't mad at him. They were happy Elisa found the right man and they raise two amazing kids. They have no grudge against him and is happy that he got their kids back and he would do anything to protect her. She has told them so much great things about him. Officer Blake was back in the force and was the one who announced Elisa death. He wanted to put the blame onto Aero, but that wasn't gonna happen when people have heard and seen some strange people attack the house. So that plan was out the window. Aero told the family about Officer Blake being one of the people there. Allen death was a shock to the world. This cause was by a "Bio-Freak" the news people call it. This soon causes more uproar for the Bio Hunters to capture these people and lock them up. Not Knowing they're the one who did it. Many people were gonna come out to Allen funeral. While for Elisa her parents will have a separate one where people come, but they want Aero to bury her at the top hill where she wants to be bury at.

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