Chapter 29

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*Aero Point of View*

In been three weeks since we had our rescue mission and running into the Bio organizations. People saw the two dragons in the sky and heard about a car blowing up. Maria and her team came in and clear thing up. Telling they run into some people who want to kill her and thanks to the FBI and some local "Bio-terrorist" they were able to save her. With that, they were able to make some people think there are some Bio-terrorist was not evil and was helping others. More people with power begin to come out of their shell and help random strangers. But of course, some want us gone. The "Bio-Hunter" begin to show up more and would use some thugs they found with power and captured them. Using them as a point that we are evil. Things were heating up W.D was making more public speaking telling how we are evil. While the FBI was standing with us saying not all of us are evil and they plan to deal with this better than the Bio Hunter. Things were getting heated, but I mine my business and stay in my lane. We were able to homeschool the kids since we had enough money to pay and Kari was there watching them. Lester and I have been taking are turn training with Master Shad and let just say things were interesting.

To start off our training. Lester was with our master, his first part was about learning using his power more long-range attack at first.

"Wait!? Master what you mean you want me to try and fire a lightning bolt at you?" said Lester.

"Like I said, I was listening very carefully to Y'all story about the fight and it seems to me Lester you don't fully how to use your power you can use basic shots for your damage. But to hit bigger and stronger opponent you had to touch them. I remember you saying it took almost all your energy just to fire off that lightning Dragon. If you plan on protecting everyone you going need to learn to open your lightning arsenal up, to start off you will try and try and hit me from that point A to Point B."

"Wait, huh?"

"What I mean is I will stand on that of that rock and I will move to another one, I don't want you to fire a second lightning spark at me. I want you to try and move the first one to the spot I'm landing."

"Ok, I will try." The entire day Lester was trying to move the lightning bolt. He always hit the first rock, but after that, it would disappear. He got tired out very fast.


"Oh come on, don't tell me you're done just yet?"

"LIKE HELL! HA!" Lester fire a lightning bolt off at Shad but he dodges it. "" Lester fell to his knees.

"Well, it looks like Day 1 for your training is done for the day. Head home and clean up, I will get Aero next." Lester didn't say anything he got up and walk away. "(That boy....he upset. He forgot what it felt like to work hard again.... He and the other 4 assassins are may from the same cloth.....but the feeling of working on their craft to get better at it. Lester hasn't felt that in a while...I guess that my fault for letting them relax too much...I should have been testing them way more even after the last mission. But I guess...I want them to try and have a normal life...I should have guessed myself, I told them when you become an assassin you will give your soul of Happiness for the name of an Assassin...Lester...Aero, I will make sure you two don't lose what precious to you.)"

My training with Master let just say...Smack! Aero got lanch into a cliff. "Damn it...*Huff*...*Huff*...."

"What Wrong AERO! Have you gone soft on me..."

"Shut it, master, you know clear as day I'm not as fast as I once was!"


"Plus, why am I fighting you? Like Lester wasn't doing that yesterday?"

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