Chapter 55

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Y'all about to hate me in for this chapter watch.....


With Elisa and Kari when everyone left. It has been a couple hours since they left.

"Jeez, you think everyone ok?"

"Please, both are boyfriend are there some of the strongest people." Kari smile.


"So, how things gonna with Lester."

"It gonna well!"

"We went on a nice date a couple days ago."

"Ohhh, how was it?" said Elisa with a smirk.

"Don't get any ideas! We only did it....once." Kari look away blushing.


"Hey! We still in the beginning stage unlike you and your boyfriend." Elisa giggled.

"Let's not get on start on us."

"You two are freaks." Elisa rubs the back of her head. Jean and the kids were reading a couple of books. They heard the door.



"OPEN UP!" Elisa and Kari got a serious look.

"Kids come here."

The kids ran them. Silent......then...*BANG BANG BANG!*


"Kids go and hide."

"Yes, mommy." The kids ran off.


"Right, we gonna have taken these guys on."

Silent.........The door burst open! Elisa grabs the door.

"Jeez, this is gonna be different."

A couple of people walk in.

"So, back here again.....Officer Blake! And You."

"Hello again, Ms.Elisa," said W.D.

"What the hell you thinking busting in my house!!"

"I'm sorry miss, we have to take the kids," said Officer Blake. Elisa threw the door to the side. And Elisa looks serious.

"Blake I will tell you this now, you should never come between a mother and her kids."

"Elisa, I care about you and I don't want to hurt you, but you will leave no choice if you make us use force."

"Who are these asshole with you!" asked Kari.

"Well criminal, this is Professor W.D. Detective Yates, Grant, Viola, Winston, Barry, and Sherman."

"So, I see we meet again. Hello Elisa," said Yates.

"Look, Elisa, we will give you one more warning or you and your friend will be killed," said Blake.

Kari and Elisa got into a fighting stance.

"I don't think you understand, you trespassing and sorry we not handing over our kids."

"So be it......" Officer Blake, Viola, and Winston step up.

Kari charge at them and Viola block her kick. Viola split poison from her mouth. Kari back up.


"I can't wait to see you die," said Viola.

Kari and Viola clash and went up through the floors above them. Blake fellow. Winston charge at Elisa. She ducks roll to dodge Winston punch. She then picks up the door and slams it against Winston. The door broke.

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