Chapter 27

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I let the kids out in the backyard. "Alright, Y'all have fun, while I'll go cook lunch."

"Yayyyy!" The kids ran out in the backyard. Elisa begins to fix some lunch.

"I'm sure they're going to like this..."

As the kids are playing. "Tag!"

"Hey, get back here!" The kids were laughing and giggling. Somewhere behind the wooden fence covering their backyard.

"So those are the targets?"

"Yep, those three little kids."

"I thought the white hair girl was the one with the powers?"

"She is, the other two are justs bonus our boss want. He wants to use them against Aero."

"What about the lady in the house?"

"If she tries to get our way kill her. She can't do much to us we train for this, she got nothing on us. Get ready to move. Go."


"Get back here Roy." *Bump* "Ouch..huh? Who are you mister?" asked Mary. Jean got nervous.

"...Roy...Mary...these people..." she was holding on to Roy tight. He notices.

"We are people sent by your father to protect you." Said one the guy with a mask on.

"Well, I go and get our mom so she knows." Two guys got in the way.

"Don't won't be necessary." They grab Mary.


"Hey!!! Let go of my sister!" They grab the kids.

"Let us go!!!"

"Come on let get going." As they began to get away, one of the guys felt something grab him on the back of the collar.

"Huh? UH!" It was Elisa and she looks pissed.

"You going tell me where you have taken my kids or let just say not even God himself will be able put you back together after I'm done with you." The guys shook his head.

With the kidnapper.

"Shit, where that idiot Carr at?"

"That idiot, he should have been behind us!"

"I don't know?"

They had the kids tie up. "Hurry up and call the other, so they can come and get us."

"This is the rendezvous point?"

"Yes, an empty field."

"Why is such a wide open area?"

"The reason they gave was that just in case those fools show up, we need an open area that gives us more to dodge their attack."

"I still think a close base would be better sir."

"Not really."

"Huh? Why?"

"Simple it still daytime, if we even think about heading into the city, we would be causing a lot of attention and that not what we don't want."

"I guess you're right."

"Sir, they're not picking up."

"Damn it all."

"You would think having Noumu and Billy together would give them enough time to escape and meet us. Those useless fools."

"Sir, you think Billy can win?"

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