Chapter 52

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With Allen earlier.

"*Huff* *Huff*.....*Huff*"

The area around Allen and Dean was cut up. The fight was over. Allen seems to be the winner. He walks away. Dean was on the ground with a giant cut gonna diagonal. Dean smile. Allen wasn't paying attention. Dean got up and was about to strike Allen.

"Bro, look OUT!" Lester appears and Tackle his brother.

"Damn it. Huh?" Lester got a small cut. Allen and Lester roll.

"Bro, I told you I got this."

"Clearly you almost die." They got up.

"Why did you come back?"

"Aero is fighting their leader and he wants to fight him alone. I had to put Kameron in a safe spot, but he good now. So, I came back to help. And good thing I did, he almost got you. How did you let your guard down? That not like you?"

"I was for sure he was dead?"



"I should thank you two for going back and forth because if you didn't I wouldn't have finished the circle." they look to see a circle.

"A ritual circle?"

"I should answer Y'all question. First off, I told you, Allen, your death will happen. Second, your brother will join you. And also, I'm immortal."

"An immortal? Please, don't make me laugh!" said Allen.

"I'm not, I'm very serious you see...." Dean pulls out a long black spear.

"The hell did he pull out from?"

"I have a special power that makes me immortal. And Lester you will see it first hand!"


"That cut earlier will be more damaging than you think. Take this!" Dean stabs his leg right leg.

"What? You just stab-" *thump!* "AHHHH!"

"Bro?" Lester fell to the ground. He was holding his leg.

"Anyone I hit, and I'm in this circle, I hurt myself within this circle. They feel the pain with me. With every death I have cause I was given their life and if you must know I had 99 lives."


"But, you took one, so I'm at 98. I need to get that back, up." Allen rush Dean. "Hmm? Yes, come! Attack me!" Dean left himself open.

"Sorry, Lester..." Allen's shoulder pushes him.

"Huh?" Dean was out of the circle.

"NOW!" Allen made his blade longer and stab Dean.


"Lester, did you feel that?"

"No? My leg is just still in a lot of pain."

"Then I guess right."

"Damn, you already figured it out."

"Yep, keep you out the circle and I can just abuse you."

"I hope you don't think it would be that easy." Allen and Dean clash weapons again. "I'll give you more credit Allen. You sure are one fun person to fight."

"Sorry, but I can't let someone like you live!"

Allen pushes the weapon away and kicks Dean. He begins to punch Dean. He cut him up a little with some of the punches. Allen stabs Dean and may his blade longer with his soul.

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