Chapter 8

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As we got home I fell to the ground. "You ok?" asked Elisa.

"Just happy to get the hell away from that place."

"Yeah, anything they ask you Aero that got under your skin?"

"They were talking about the place and god, I guess some people in there know about it."

"Wait did they try to say you did it?"

"They try but couldn't, they kept saying something about some new guy that trash the place but in the end, they gave up since I couldn't crack."

"Sorry, Aero.."

"What happen Navi?"

"For some reason, I couldn't get back in the room with you."


"Yeah, we got done early, but as soon as I try to get back to you I couldn't. It was like something was holding me back."

"Hmm? That's weird? Well, we shouldn't worry about it for now?"

"Oh crap, I forgot!"


"Here." she hands me my phone

"My phone?"

"Yeah, they found it at the park and gave it to me, since nothing important was on the phone, so they gave it back to me I been keeping it close to me."

"Thank you, Elisa." I hug her.

"Uhh, you're welcome." She hugs me back. "Well, you check it while I go put up the tree."

"Ok, I will join you after checking these message." Damn 100 text message my god!? "Ok, let see.." I begin to text everyone that I was somewhat close to, that I was ok and I'm safe now. I then got to Lester. Hmm?

"I see you got free. That good." What did he know, I was captured? What the hell? How did he know I was caught? I respond "Bro how do you know?!" I and Lester are somewhat close because he was one of the 4 people whom I lie about. We delete are stuff about our past, so no one knows we were close and they can't go after one of us or the others.

He responds with "Simple, I also was captured a month before you came in."

"So, that why I haven't heard much from you.."

"Yeah, I will give you credit thanks man, I didn't think we will escape so thank you."

"No problem, I'll talk to you later."

"You too."

"Really he was caught of all people?" said Navi coming out my body.

"Why is that a shock Navi?"

"I mean you said he was as skillful at not getting caught."

"Maybe so but, clearly these guys had power and we didn't. We're just human. A normal Human isn't on the same level as us. The Gap of Power is too big, they would be destroyed and you know this."

"Your right, so what are we going to do?"

"I just need to text a few more people." So after texting everyone, I needed to. "Well, let's get downstairs and help Elisa out."

"Yeah." we went downstairs.

"So, you finish what you were doing?" asked Elisa

"Yep, I see you got pretty far."

"Well, don't stare there help out."

"Right lol." We were getting the tree up putting things on it. As we were I kept looking at Elisa and for some reason, I kept looking at her ass. Damn, that thing is amazing. Her boobs aren't too bad either. UH! What am I saying, I can't have these thoughts about Elisa, I mean she did kiss me last night but still?

(Hey Navi..)


(Why is my mind having more bad thought than normal, I use to able to control it but now I feel like I can't.)

(Oh yeah I guess I should explain that...)


(You see the downside of your test was your body make you have more naughty thought and you become hornier)

(...Your kidding right?)

(Nope and there nothing to stop it. I mean you see it yourself, you were staring at Judy and now Elisa a lot different now and do to the fact your horny.)


(Don't try and fight it because it will become harder just try and fight it or...)


(Let it take over and go take her..)


(Hey, I can tell your mind is one pervert mind, to begin with, and now do to the test it increases, so take your option)

Can I really take Elisa like that? I mean she is hot and she is single...but still I can't! (I...will try and fight it.)

(Good luck.)

Well, as we got the rest of the stuff on the tree I was having a hard time controlling myself. I need to calm down I have to hold it in. But damn her sexy ass body is making this harder.

"Hey Aero?"


"You're ok?" she asks tilting her head below me a little.

"Uhh yeah, I'm good don't worry."

"Well if there anything just ask."

"Ok, I will" Shit! Ok, think Aero you got this. Just don't look and don't too much and I should be good. Maybe I should go for a run.

"Hey, Elisa I'm going out for a run."

"Ok be careful."

"I guess while I'm out." I should get Elisa a gift.

Watching from some roof. "That him right?"

"Yeah, he's the one who freed us?"

"Yeah let go, brother."

"Yes, Daryl."


So it seems Aero brain isn't thinking straight anymore.

How come Navi couldn't get back to Aero while he was being questioned?

And who were those two people watching Aero? Are they good or evil? 

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