Chapter 36 - Sorry, what?

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Dan walked into Phil's hospital room to see Phil sleeping peacefully beneath the debatably comfy sheets. In Dan's opinion Phil resembled a sleeping angel; one that had brightened his life dramatically the day he met him properly for the first time.

Getting to know Phil was the best thing that could happen to Dan and as he sat beside him, looking admirably at the boy, he realised just how much Phil meant to him. He never wanted to let him go - not ever.

"Dan," Phil croaked, as his eyes fluttered open. "Dan!"

Phil grabbed Dan's chin, studying Dan's bruised cheek with concern. Phil's mind was racing with scenarios: did Dan get beaten up? Or did he beat up Tyler? He couldn't bear to see Dan hurt.

"How did this happen?" Phil asked worriedly.

Dan chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, "Funny story. I fought with Tyler, but it turns out he's not the one who ran you over."

Phil frowned, "Sorry, what?"

"He was in the car, but he wasn't driving, Phil. He's not a terrible person; deep down he's actually caring and loving and adorable," Dan muttered. Was the last part too far?

"Adorable and loving, huh?" Phil crooked an eyebrow, as he leant back into his bed. Of course this would happen to him, what did he expect? For Dan to love him forever? Phil's voice turned bitter as he spoke, "Why don't you go be with the cold hearted bully then?"

Dan's eyes widened and he looked down with guilt, "Phil, I didn't mean for that to sound the way it did. I don't like Tyler in that way anymore."

"Anymore!" Phil laughed sarcastically. "So you did and I was what? A second choice? A rebound?"

"No!" Dan said angrily as he stood from the chair abruptly, causing it to screech across the floor. "Of course I loved him, Phil. He was my best friend; he saved me from the bullies, from the hatred I got. He was there for me from day one in primary school and we were so close. So of course I loved him, but then those feelings faded as he became more of a bully and less of a friend."

Phil frowned and turned towards Dan, "And how do you feel know? Now that he's seemingly resurrected himself in your eyes. Do you love him again?"

Dan gulped and sat back in the chair as he stuttered, "No, Phil. Of course not because I - I."

"You what, Dan?" Phil raised his voice this time, getting sick and tired of being messed around. "I can't deal with being messed around Dan. It's happened too many times so if you want to be —"

"Because I love you, Phil," Dan wiped a stray tear from his cheek. "Can't you see it, Phil? The way I look at you as if you've walked on water, the way I treat the ground you walk as sacred, the way I keep keepsakes from when we have been somewhere together just so I can never forget the way I felt. Or even the way I got so worked up about those notes in your bag."

Phil's eyes dragged down to his shaking hands as all the memories flooded back. How could he forget all of that? Dan was the best thing that could have happened to him at this point in his life, which maybe blinded him from seeing how Dan viewed him.

"I l-love you t-too, Dan," Phil smiled nervously. He'd never spoken those three words to anyone other than his brother.

Dan scanned Phil's face carefully before carefully cupping his face and pulling his lips towards his own. He stopped just as their lips brushed one another and searched Phil's amazingly blue eyes; his eyes were beautiful. The way the blue merged into the yellow tint of his eye and the black of the pupil resembled the dark yet charismatic sense of the sea. He smiled sweetly before crashing his lips against Phil's in a passionate kiss.

Phil kissed back with the same force, no longer resisting the urge to run his hands up and down Dan's body. Dan's lips felt so good against his; it was as if they were made for one another. Lips crashed against lips, hands gripped tighter and hearts beated faster. The sweetness of the kiss caused Phil to go slightly giddy as he pulled away with a huge grin upon his face.

Nudging Phil lightly, Dan chuckled, "Who knew you were such a good kisser?"

"Same to you, Danny boy," Phil winked.

I'm so sorry it has been soooo long. Not even sure if people are still active 😅
I think there will be one more chapter as a nice closed ending 😁

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