Chapter 32 - Awoken

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Phil's eyes fluttered open, the trauma of the previous nights events startling him awake from his slumber. He rolled his head back against the headboard of the hospital bed and sighed loudly; he couldn't remember anything after being knocked out. That's when he realised he hadn't woken up in the comfort of his own bed or room.

Where was he?

His eyes darted around the room, locking onto individual objects whilst trying to piece together where he could possibly be. He concluded on a hospital, seeing as all of the walls were a basic, egg shell colour, the few pieces of furniture surrounding him were white and the blinds on the window were a faded white. Only a hospital would be this drained of colour. Phil guessed that the room most probably reflected the colour of his own skin at this precise moment: he wasn't feeling especially great.

Then his gaze landed upon a mess of brown hair resting on his bed beside him. Butterflies within him awoke and tumbled around his stomach causing a smile to grace his lips - Dan had stayed by his side this whole time.

"Phil?" Sarah whispered, as she entered the silent room. "How are you feeling, honey?"

Phil gulped in an attempt to dampen his throat, but to no avail, croaked, "I-I'm o—kay."

Sarah sighed and smiled sympathetically, as she took the seat beside a sleeping Dan; her fingers combed through his brown locks, brushing out the knots from his restless night.

"He wouldn't leave your side despite many protests from me," she smiled thoughtfully.

Phil could only smile in return and weakly rested his hand in Dan's. Dan's hands were warm and soft compared to Phil's cold, frail ones and Phil sighed sadly.

"What happened, Phil?" Sarah asked tentatively. "Who did this to you?"

Phil blinked twice to prevent the tears from leaving his eyes; he couldn't tell. If Dan found out he'd do something stupid and Phil couldn't bare the thought of Dan being in danger or worse getting beaten like Phil had.

Sarah grasped Phil's hand in hers and gulped, "The doctors say that it seems you've been hit by a car, sweetheart. Is that true?"

Phil nodded his head and looked away.

"Do you know who was driving?"

Phil nodded again, as a tear slipped down his cheek; so much for withholding the tears.

"Who was —"

Dan's head shot up and his eyes widened, as his gaze met a startled Phil, but a small smile came to Dan's lips once he realised who's eyes he was finally looking into. His Phil's.

"Phil!" Dan exclaimed as he threw his arms lovingly around Phil's frail figure. "I'm so glad that you're awake. For a while I thought you would never wake and I'd have to go on without you, Phil. I didn't know how I was going to cope and now you're awake and and —"

"I'm going to give you two a bit of time," Sarah chuckled whilst standing from the chair. "Don't give Phil a headache, Dan."

Dan smiled sheepishly, a light rose blush painting his cheeks. He turned his attention back to Phil once Sarah had left the room.

"How are you feeling, Phil?"

Phil shrugged; no matter how hard he tried, it hurt too much to speak, so he thought it best to not.

Dan sighed, "Does it hurt to speak?"

"A little," Phil croaked. "How are you?"

Dan half smiled, "Compared to you, I'm jumping over moons."

Phil laughed and sniffed, "How'd I get here?"

"Don't you remember?" Dan frowned. "Harry found you in the road all battered up and carried you back to our house and then drove you to the hospital."

Shaking his head, Phil wiped the moisture from his eyes praying Dan would get the message and stop pestering him for the truth. Phil didn't want to tell anyone about what had happened: if he did then Tyler would find him and that would most definitely be the end of Phil's dreary life. It wasn't dreary anymore though - not now that Dan was in a part of it.

"Phil, please," Dan pleaded. "I hate to see you like this; beaten, bruised and broken. I want to hurt whoever did this to you. They deserve to be punished for this, Phil."

"No, D-Dan," Phil croaked halfheartedly.

Dan sighed and began picking at his fingers; a nervous habit he had always had.

The door to the room swung open causing both boys to jump from their seats, but smiles replaced their worried expressions as Harry stepped into the room with a broad smile upon his lips.

"Phil! You're awake!" Harry chirped, as he sat beside Dan. "Now who do I have to beat up?"

"He won't say," Dan rolled his eyes.

Harry frowned, "Don't you want to get justice?"

"D-don't you underst-tand?" Phil sighed. "If I tell anyone, I'm good as dead."

Dan studied Phil's frightened features. The last time he had seen Phil this frightened was when he was being picked on by -

"Tyler!" Dan sprung from his chair. "That f******g ass!"

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