Chapter 1- You're cute

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AN: Check out my oneshot collection, which is where this Au came from! Thanks :P

TW: None.


Phil slouched in his chair at the back of the crowded classroom, the faint odour of cinnamon filling his nostrils; the same odour, which would always - without fail - grab his attention. This odour belonged to none other than Dan Howell - the most popular boy in his year.

Everyone loved, Dan, and why wouldn't they? His gorgeous brown eyes would send butterflies up Phil's throat, almost making him breathe them out and the way his hair fell across his forehead was very much like Phil's, just in the opposite direction. He had a confident personality and would never shy away from anything or anyone; once he had a full on argument with a teacher over his piercings, but he wouldn't back down, not even when the head got involved.

Phil on the other hand, was the complete opposite - well apart from the piercings, which happened to be in the opposite nostril and ear from Dan's. Phil hated to be confronted by a teacher, but he would always get a comment about his piercings, which he knew was his fault. Why could't he just wait till he left to save himself the hassle of having to take the piercings out for certain lessons? Some teachers didn't mind the piercings and actually had similar ones themselves, others didn't care enough to bother asking, but then there were some who would constantly be on Phil's back, nagging him to take the studs out.

Mr Grahams was one of the nagging ones and yet again, Phil had been picked out for his studs. "Dan and Phil, we go through this everyday!" By now Mr Grahams himself was getting tired of nagging. "I'm getting tired of asking."

"Well just stop nagging then," Dan huffed, crossing his arms defensively across his chest.

Mr Grahams took a seat at the front of the classroom, "Well, if you just took them out then I wouldn't have to, would I?"

Phil sat silently in the corner, letting Dan to just get on with his argument, "Yes, but it's a free country, sir and I am entitled to wear studs, because I am of age."

"The school do not allow it-"

"I don't really care what the school say if I'm going to be honest, sir. I'm leaving this shit hole in less than two months and I feel that revising in lessons rather than arguing my case would be of better use to me," Dan sat up straight from his chair and placed his arms on the desk, awaiting for Mr Grahams move.

All he could do in response was sigh frustratedly, "I'm not even going to bother arguing with you anymore, Howell." He turned his head to Phil, "Phil, will you remove them studs."

Phil felt a sudden wave of confidence wash over him and he just shook his head, sitting up from his slouched position, stuttering a, "No."

"Im sorry? Phil, will you remove your piercings!" Mr Grahams voiced raised slightly. "Now!"

"Why should he?" Dan piped in.

Mr Grahams eyebrows furrowed together, as he glared towards Dan, "Mr Howell, this has nothing to do with you."

"Yes it does, this is my time to learn and you're wasting it," Dan spat back. "Leave the poor kid alone, he doesn't ever disrupt a lesson, so just leave him alone!"

"That's it. Both of you out, now!" Mr Grahams pointed his chubby finger towards the exit. "I will speak with you two in a minute."

Phil solemnly left the room without a word, but Dan couldn't resist, "Good! At least I can sit out here in peace!"

They sat down awkwardly next to each other on the plastic chairs, Dan swung his bag onto the floor and let out a huff, "What a dick, huh?" He asked turning his head slightly to a nervous Phil.

Phil nodded in response, "Y-yeah."

"I'm Dan," Dan extended his arm towards Phil and he accepted.


Dan smiled, "I know who you are, Lester. You don't go unnoticed by me."

Phil tilted his head and smiled back, "And I know who you are, Howell. Who doesn't?"

Dan chuckled, "Are you implying I'm loud?"

"Yep," Phil responded, also chuckling. "Extremely."

Dan playfully punched Phil's arm, "Well, I-I, u-uhm. I find your e-eyes i-intriguing."

Phil crooked an eyebrow, "Oh really?"


"Well I like your eyes too, Daniel," Phil smirked, loving how nervous Dan was getting compared to his usual cocky persona. "And you piercings."

Dan smiled shyly, "I like your p-piercings too, Phillip."

Phil rolled his eyes and the door to their class opened to reveal an angry Mr Grahams, "Right, you two. Are you going to remove your piercings or not?"

Dan hid his face with his hair, trying to conceal the slight blush creeping to his cheeks, so Phil spoke up instead, "No, we aren't, Mr Grahams and if you don't like that then we can move to another class with a teacher, who doesn't judge."

Mr Grahams was taken aback at Phil's sudden forwardness and so was Dan, but Dan found it surprisingly attractive. Mr Grahams slammed the door, returning to his seat at the front of the class.

"Nice one, Phillip," Dan smiled holding his hand up for Phil to high five.

Phil slapped his hand against Dan's, enjoying the slight tingling sensation against his palm, "I only stepped up because you were too flustered to." He smirked, knowing this would cause Dan to blush again.

"Oh shut up, Lester," Dan chuckled. He rested his head back against the wall and let out a sigh, "I'm going to fail this class and all because of that fat, old git in there!"

Phil fiddled with his hands and Dan sat up with a gleam in his eye, "You could tutor me, you're good at chemistry, right?"

"Eh, yeah, I guess."

"Great! Just give me your number and we can set up a date to."

"Ooh, very smooth, Howell. Get my number through tutoring," Phil smirked again.

"Oh shut up, Lester," Dan liked this side of Phil and he didn't know that he had this side. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and giggled; he actually giggled and he mentally face palmed himself.

"You're cute, Howell," Phil smiled, tapping his number into Dan's phone.

Dan smiled, blushing at the comment, "And you're confident, Lester."


AN: Hope you liked the first chapter!

Thank you for reading! :P

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