Chapter 6- Phil

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*The same night as chapter 5*

Phil rushed home after school, telling Dan that he would be over once he had sorted something out and he wasn't lying to Dan, he really did need to sort something out. Phil's life was extremely complicated and the only people who mildly understood Phil's predicament were Pj and Chris. All his life Phil had kept quiet about his home life, telling anyone who asked that it wasn't important and in some ways it wasn't - not to Phil anyway. The only part of home life he cared about was his younger brother, Aden.

He rushed through his front door and into the lounge where his younger brother was sat, doodling in an old tattered notebook, "Hey, Aden."

"Phil!" Aden's eyes lightened up at the presence of his older brother. Aden was only nine and Phil had acted like a father to him for pretty much his whole life, even if there was only seven years between them. Phil's parents never really cared for the two boys, yes they wanted Phil to go to a certain college, but that was mainly because it would mean he wouldn't have to come home and they wouldn't have to worry about looking after him anymore. Not that they did much to care for him anyway.

"I've got to go out for a while, so I'm going to make some food that you can warm up in the microwave," Phil rushed, speed walking through into the kitchen where he grabbed a packet of pasta, pouring it into a saucepan of water and stuck it on the stove, leaving it to cook. He went back through to Aden. "Will you be okay?"

Aden nodded sadly, "Do you have to leave? It gets lonely."

"I'm sorry, but I've got to help someone," Phil's heart practically shattered every time he had to leave Aden and he hated it. He shouldn't have to worry about leaving his brother in the care of his parents, they should be the ones caring for him in the first place, but that's just how life was for Phil and it wasn't changing any time soon.

Aden sighed, turning his attention back to the drawings in front of him, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to a friends for dinner."

"Can I come?" his little head shot up, hope gleaming in his bright blue eyes, resembling Phil's slightly. Phil didn't want to say no, but he couldn't turn up to Dan's with another person to feed, especially seeing as it was his first time going there. There was also the issue of Aden getting attached; it was easy for a child to get attached to someone and Phil didn't want that to happen in case a friendship between Dan and him didn't work.

"I'm sorry, Aden, but you can't. Not this time," Phil bent down to Aden's level, resting his forearms on his knees. "Do you remember how to use the microwave?" Aden nodded in response, "Only do it for a couple minutes okay? Or it will be too hot and you'll burn yourself."

"Okay," Aden smiled. "Have fun at your friends and don't be stupid!"

Phil chuckled, "I won't." He ruffled his younger brothers blonde locks, before walking back into the kitchen to finish off the cooking pasta.

On the way to Dan's place, Phil couldn't help but worry about what he was about to walk into. Would it be a trap? Was this going to be a huge prank? Even if it wasn't, what if Dan's parents were horrible, or homophobic?

A thousand questions sprung to mind and Phil began to sweat from his nerves; he was praying that everything would be okay and he would leave in one, stable piece.

He slowly padded up to Dan's door, double checking the number to make sure he had definitely gotten the right house, before ringing the door bell. The door swung open, but instead of seeing a brunette boy, he was greeted by a wide eye brunette woman. This was clearly Dan's mum; she looked exactly like Dan, except her hair was long and she was female.

"You must be Phil?" she smiled warmly, embracing him as soon as he stepped foot into the household. "It's so nice to meet you!"

Phil smiled at the warm welcome, he had never had one before and it felt - different. Good different.

A kind of warmth bubbled in the pit of his stomach, a feeling of almost happiness - almost.

"Mum!" Dan leapt from the stairs, pulling his mother away from the embrace. "I'm so sorry, she can be such the teenager."

Phil chuckled, smiling fondly at the brunette pair; Phil couldn't have been more wrong about Dan.


A/N: I'm not sure if I should make a schedule for when I'm going to upload, as I'm kind of uploading every other day but I'm coming into exam season so I'm gonna be pretty busy from now on. So the posts won't be as frequent. Sorry.

Thank you all so much for reading! I appreciate it a lot! :P

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