Chapter 5- I don't have everything

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A/N: Sorry, I made an edit to this chapter


Dan checked his hair in the mirror for the fiftieth time; Phil would be here any minute and that excited him, yet also worried him. What if he didn't like his family? What if - what if?

The doorbell sounded and Dan glanced once more into the mirror, straightening the collar of his ironed shirt and took a deep breath before he padded downstairs to the door. However, his mother was already there, greeting Phil with a huge hug.

"Mum!" Dan jumped down the last few steps and pulled his mum away from Phil, giving Phil an apologetic look. "Sorry, she can be such a teenager."

Phil simply laughed and glanced around the hall, "It's okay. It's nice to meet you too, Mrs Howell."

"It's ms. and please call me Sarah," Sarah smiled warmly, walking into the kitchen with a spring in her step. "Would you like a drink, Phil?"

"I'm alright, thank you," Phil replied, his eyes landing on Dan's, who had been absentmindedly staring at him again."Dan?'

"Yeah?" Dan replied dreamily.

Phil chuckled, "You wanna get revising, or are you going to stare at my face all night?"

Dan's cheeks glowed red and his eyes widened, "W-what? S-sorry." He turned around slowly, mentally face palming himself, while leading Phil up to his room. They stepped inside and Dan closed the door behind them, "So, what do you think?"

"Of what? Your room?" Phil crooked an eyebrow.

Dan laughed nervously, whilst rubbing the back of his neck, "Yeah."

"It's nice. I like your posters and your games. I love all of it actually."

Dan smiled widely, he had been tidying ever since he had gotten home after school, so he was glad that Phil had to go sort something out before coming over. It gave him time to clean himself and his room, to be presentable for Phil and Dan wasn't completely sure why he felt this way towards Phil. Maybe it was a crush, maybe it was more, who knows?

"What do you want to revise first then?" Phil asked, setting his chemistry books out across Dan's bed, sighing when a slip of paper fell from his book addressed to him.

Dan frowned, "Who's that from?"

Phil shoved the note back into his bag, ignoring Dan's question, he couldn't tell Dan.

"Phil?" Dan asked, concerned. "Phil, show me now." His tone had turned stricter and Phil glared at him from the corner of his eye.

"No, it's fine."

Dan huffed and grabbed the note from Phil's bag, opening it up while ignoring Phil's protests against it.

Emo kid,

I saw you with Dan, you prick. I swear to god, if you turn him emo or gay I will personally see that you can't walk again. We clear!?

Dan's face paled as he read over the note again, "Who said this?" Phil turned his head away. "Phil! Who said this?" Dan had now gone into full rage and he wanted to tear apart the person who could be so heartless. Dan's voice had lowered and his shoulders dropped, "Phil let me help."

"It's fine, I'm dealing with it," Phil snatched the paper from Dan's clasp and shoved it back into the depths of his bag, where he probably wouldn't ever find it again.

"Are you though?" Dan frowned. "This doesn't seem like someone you want to mess with, Phil."

"Don't you think I know that?" Phil sighed, bored of Tyler constantly being an obstacle in his life, who would get in his way whenever he was about to do something positive for his life. He couldn't tell Dan who it was, he was friends with Tyler and that would ruin everything.

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