Chapter 2 - The first text

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Dan swung open his bedroom door and fell face first onto his bed, a huge smile playing on his lips. He was so happy and all because of that amazing guy! Phil was amazing, so amazing and he couldn't believe that he had finally spoken to the shy, quiet kid -or so he thought - who sat at the back of the class, dismissing everyone, as if it came naturally.

They way his blue eyes would glisten, like the sea shines when the sun reflects off of it; Phil was truly beautiful and Dan knew from the very day that he laid eyes on him that Phil was not all that he seemed. He was interesting, different from everyone else. He didn't care if people made comments about him, well Dan hoped he didn't care, because some could be quite harmful. Dan had always tried to stick up for Phil, but would always be teased for having a "crush" on the shy boy with crazy piercings. They weren't crazy though. Dan had similar ones and he loved them, they showed character and Phil certainly had character.

His phone buzzed in his blazer pocket and he instantly smiled at the name:

Phil- Hey Dan, I was wondering when you wanted to be tutored? If you still want to be that is :) x

Dan- Hey, Phil. I'd love to meet up. I don't mind when, whatever suits you?

Should he put an 'x' too? Phil had. Yeah.

Dan- Hey, Phil. I'd love to meet up. I don't mind when, whatever suits you? x


Read 15:26

Phil- How's tomorrow? The library? x

Dan- sounds good. See you then! x

Read 15:28

Phil grinned at his phone, looking forward to the next day where he could be with Dan alone. Dan was different to how he thought, but he didn't mind, he preferred him actually.


AN: I'm sorry this one was so short! :P

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