Chapter 7- Meeting Aden

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A/N: I know I said I would be ending this, but there are a few people who seem to like this one. Therefore I will upload some pre written chapters, which is like two, but I just want to see what people think and if you like it and want me to carry on then I will.

So this is chapter seven. I hope you enjoy! :P


Phil awoke the next morning with a huge smile stretched across his lips and for once he actually felt good about life. He had made a new friend, met a family who actually cared about Phil and everything bad about his life seemed forgotten.

That was until the downstairs door slammed, indicating that his Dad was finally home after a night of constant drinking. He silently prayed that Aden wasn't downstairs yet or awake, as it terrified him whenever their Dad was in this state.

"Ben, what time do you call this?" his mother spat, clearly trying to be quiet, so not to wake the boys, but the anger behind her tone was enough.

Ben simply chuckled, "I call it whatever."

A couple doors slammed and Phil cautiously got out of bed, quietly pulling on a jumper and skinny jeans, before checking if the coast was clear for him to go and get Aden. He slipped along the corridor to Aden's room and snuck in, noticing that he was sat rocking back and forth on his bed in thought.

"Ade?" Phil spoke softly and placed an arm around his brothers waist, pulling him into his chest. "Aden, it's okay."

Aden began silently sobbing into Phil's jumper, soaking a patch with his tears, "I'm scared, Phil."

Phil licked his lips, trying to moisten them enough for him to speak, "Do you want to go out today?"

With a slight nod, Aden sat back and wiped his nose with his sleeve and sniffed, "Where?"

"Ice cream?" Phil smiled, knowing ice cream was Aden's weakness. "To make up for leaving you yesterday."

Aden and Phil sat inside a Starbucks, enjoying their bacon rolls that Phil had insisted on getting before ice cream, as ice cream wasn't a suitable breakfast, especially at half ten in the morning.

"How's school?" Phil asked thoughtfully.

"It's okay," Aden spoke in between mouthfuls of bacon. "We were talking about being gay in class the other day."

Phil raised his eyebrows, "Oh right. What happened?"

"Annabelle said that being gay isn't right and is a mental disorder, so I told her she was wrong and we ended up arguing and I called her a stupid idiot with stupid opinions," Aden shuffled uncomfortably in his seat, glancing up at Phil to see his reaction.

To Aden's shock, Phil just smiled, ruffling the younger boys hair, "That's my little brother! I'm proud of you Ade."

"Really?" Aden asked, shocked by Phil's proud response. "Even though I said she has stupid opinions?"

Phil chuckled, "Mainly because of that."

"Phil?" Dan stood, holding a cup of coffee. "I thought that was you."

Phil smiled at Dan, gesturing to the empty seat at their table, "Hey Dan. What you doing here?"

"Needed some energy from somewhere," Dan chuckled, sitting in the seat beside Aden and glancing at him with a smile. "Who's this?"

"Oh, Aden this is Dan, my friend and Dan this is Aden, my brother," Phil took another bite of his roll, leaning forward slightly.

"Hi, Aden," Dan stuck his hand out, shaking Aden's hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Aden responded, winking at Phil.

"So what you doing in town today?" Dan smiled, taking a sip from his coffee.

"We're gonna get ice-cream!" Aden exclaimed, a broad smile etching across his cheeks.

Dan laughed subtly, "What's your flavour?"

"Salted caramel," Aden licked his lips, while rolling his eyes back. "It's the best."

"Oh, that is nice, but does it beat chocolate brownie?" Dan crooked an eyebrow.

Aden frowned in thought, look up to the right and humming, "Maybe, but I'm gonna have salted caramel. Can Dan come, Phil?"

Phil's eyes widened and his eyes met Dan's brown orbs, "If he wants to."

"I'd love to," Dan smiled.

A couple hours later, they were all sat along the sea wall, their legs dangling over the edge, while eating their ice creams. Aden had salted caramel, Dan had chocolate brownie and Phil had plain strawberry.

"So, how old are you, Aden?" Dan asked out of curiosity.

"I'm ten."

"Ten! I thought you were like twelve," Dan's mouth gaped and Phil smiled at how adorable Dan could be. "You're very grown up for your age."

Phil's heart plummeted, Aden shouldn't be too grown up for his age, he should be a normal ten year old with normal ten year old issues like worrying about what colour pencil case he should have. Obviously, Phil had tried to make Aden's childhood as normal as possible, but that's hard to do when you haven't had one yourself. He basically tried to do everything opposite to how his parents had treated him, so that meant treating Aden with love and care, kissing him goodnight and buying him ice cream.

"I'm just going to go to the toilet, I'll be back in a minute," Phil leapt off of the wall and walked towards the toilets, leaving Dan time to talk with Aden.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, Dan spoke softly, "So, Aden. What's it like at home?"

Aden frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Like, do you live with your parents?"

Aden nodded, "Yeah, but Phil looks after me, a lot."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, like making me dinner, helping me with homework, making my bed, but I try to help out now," Aden stated.

"I'm sure you do, little man," Dan replied, now completely lost in his thoughts. Phil worked so hard at school and at home, that must become tiring after a while, surely.

"How do you know Phil?" Aden took another lick of his ice-cream, glancing at Dan from the corner of his eye.

"We go to school together and he's helping me."

Aden tilted his head back, "Oh, you're where he went the other night." He frowned and crooked an eyebrow, "You better not mess with Phil, because I may be ten but I have a mean kick."

Dan smiled, chuckling quietly, "I'll keep that in mind."


A/N: So that was chapter 7. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading! :P

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