Chapter 23 - Tutoring?

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Monday came around far too quick for both Dan and Phil, but especially quick for Phil; he didn't want to have to face Dan - not yet anyway.

What was he thinking? He wouldn't have to face Dan, because Dan didn't want to be seen with him. He needed to pick himself up, piece himself back together and carry on with life like nothing had happened, as to Dan it clearly hadn't, so Phil should do the same.

Phil kept his head down, as he entered the green gates of his school. It felt as if everyone's eyes were on him - although he knew that they weren't - and he just wanted to leave the school before the judgmental comments came flying at him from all directions.

Most would hit him and just bounce off, but others would stick and hit where it hurt most; especially comments from Dan, but after everything Dan had said, Phil still trusted him. He trusted that Dan wouldn't tell anyone about them becoming friends or anything else, as his reputation meant more to him than Phil ever did.

"Phil!" Chris called out of breath from behind. "Wow, you're a really fast walker."

"Sorry," Phil glanced up at his rosy cheeked friend and forced a smile. "Where's Pj today?"

Chris shrugged glumly, "He's ill I think. He hasn't text me or anything though."

"Oh, that's strange for Peej," Phil frowned worriedly.

"Have you had a text from him?" Chris asked with hope lingering in his tone.

Phil shook his head sadly, "Sorry, Chris. No, I haven't."

"Okay," Chris sighed, whilst bowing his head.

Phil finally lifted his head fully, as they entered the school building and his eyes met a familiar pair of brown eyes. They bore into Phil's soul, teasing at his emotions and pulling on his strings, as if to pull Phil straight back into the arms which belonged to the eyes.

"Phil," Chris nudged Phil's arm for the fourth time to grab his friends attention. "Phil!"

"What?" Phil snapped his head to face Chris.

Chris raised his eyebrows, "Dude, you're staring at him like he's a God."

"Oh," Phil frowned at himself and shook his head before opening his locker. "I'll see you in last. Tell me if Pj texts you."

"Yeah, course," Chris smiled hopefully and walked off down the corridor towards his first lesson - without Pj.

Phil turned back around to see that Dan had vanished and he closed his eyes momentarily before walking in the opposite direction to Chris. He was hoping and praying that he wouldn't run into Tyler or Dan, as he did not have the energy to deal with them. He desperately needed to escape; escape this hell that he called a life.

He took a seat in the back of the class like he always did and heaved his books up onto the desk, as he awaited the lesson to begin. 

The familiar scent of cinnamon wafted past him, but it wasn't as strong as it usually was, which caught Phil's attention. His eyes drifted over to where Dan and Tyler had just sat down in their usual seats, but Dan looked different.

His hair wasn't styled, just left out to curl naturally on his head and it was clear that he hadn't washed at all that weekend, as his usual strong cinnamon scent had vanished and his hair was beginning to become slightly greasy. Dan's eyes also didn't hold the shine they used to hold and instead held an emotion that Phil couldn't quite decipher: sadness or anger maybe. Below his eyes were huge bags, which indicated that he also hadn't slept for a while.

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