Chapter 33

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That dirty, ass, mother-f*****g , son of a whatever!

These were the words repeating over and over in Dan's mind.

Dan stormed down the street towards Tyler's house: 147 Bridge Street. Dan knew it well. He'd been best friends with Tyler ever since their second year of primary school when Dan was being picked on by another kid called Luke for being too girly. Tyler was quick to step in, protecting Dan from an oncoming punch and instead took the blunt of the force. Dan had always thought of himself in Tyler's favour from that day onward and was part of the reason Dan stuck around Tyler for so long.

Without Tyler taking him under his sturdy wing, he would have been known as the girly boy who liked to have pink stationary sets. He always thought Tyler would be his best friend, the two of them fighting crime side by side forever.

None of this mattered now though.

All Dan currently cared for was seeing Tyler's beaten face looking up at him, apologising furiously for what he had done to his, Phil. Dan wasn't even sure whether Tyler would admit to it; Tyler never admitted when he was in the wrong.

"Dan, stop!" Harry's familiar voice yelled from behind. "Think about what you're doing."

Harry ran ahead, stopping in front of Dan, blocking him from walking any further.

"I have been thinking about it, Harry. And you know what?" Dan asked bitterly.

"What?" Harry replied.

"I've never been more sure about something in my entire life. Tyler is going to get what he deserves, even if it means running him down in a -"

"Dan," Harry sighed in defeat.

Dan pushed his forehead against Harry's, shear anger illuminating from his eyes, as he spat through gritted teeth, "Now get out of my way, Harry or I swear to God I'll make sure you do!"

Harry stepped aside, bowing his head sadly, as he watched his poor, broken brother storm further down the street to an impending doom. Harry knew that Tyler was stronger than Dan, everyone knew. Tyler was stronger than most people, but he'd only ever once layed a finger on Dan, so Harry prayed that he wouldn't again.

The doorbell buzzer rang seemingly forever whilst Dan waited impatiently outside of Tyler's house. It was late afternoon, so Tyler should have been home from school, but knowing Tyler he was probably in a random alleyway getting high.

"Dan?" Tyler's mother frowned sweetly. "How are you, dear? It's been so long."

Tyler's mother had always been like a second mother to Dan growing up. She was one of the nicest people you could ever come across and Dan always wondered as to why Tyler turned out the way he did: so violent, angry and abusive.

Dan gulped nervously, "I-is Tyler h-home?"

"I'm afraid not, dear. He's down at the park like usual with his new friends," she sighed dismally. "I worry about him, Dan. Is he okay? Are his new friends nice to him?"

"I really couldn't say, I'm sorry. I'm sure they treat him just as he deserves," Dan's eye twitched angrily.

"Dan," Harry warned. "Let's just go. We'll meet Tyler some other time."

Dan blinked twice before licking his lips, "Down at the park, did you say?"

"Yes, dear. The usual one," Tyler's mum smiled with the same sweet smile she had always had. "Tell Tyler to come home soon if you see him, I've got dinner ready."

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