Chapter 25 - Worry

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Dan was currently sat at the dining table in his kitchen, poking mindlessly at his roast dinner that his mum had cooked and sighing every now and then at the thoughts running through his mind. He couldn't get Phil off of his mind; he was constantly there, taunting him, dangling in front of him like prize waiting to be claimed, but Phil wasn't a prize that could just be claimed like an object to Dan. Phil was more than that - he was special.

"Dan, are you not hungry?" Sarah crooked an eyebrow at Dan, who was still sat playing around with his food.

Dan glanced up at his mother with tears filled his eyes and as soon as they met the kind stare of his mum, he fell limp in the chair, "Not really."

Sarah frowned slightly, whilst settling down her knife and fork at the same time Dan had, "What's wrong? Has something else happened?"

"It's not a big deal, I brought it on myself," Dan rolled his eyes and blinked back the tears, as the memory of that day came flooding back.

He desperately wanted to see Phil again, just to hear his voice, his laughter and too see those gorgeous blue eyes, which had captivated him from day one. He knew that he wouldn't be able to rekindle that candle; he had blown it out too many times and Phil would be bored of rekindling it for them.

"Has Tyler done something else?" Harry butted in angrily. "I swear if he has I will-"

"He hasn't," Dan sighed and chewed the inside of his cheek. "I spoke to Phil today."

Sarah gasped quietly, yet hopefully and licked her lips before asking, "What happened?"

"I think it's safe to say it didn't end well," Dan chuckled ironically, as he placed his elbows onto the table and joined his hands together tightly. "It ended with us both crying, Phil running off and me breaking down on the pavement outside the library."

Harry frowned concerned, "Why? What did you say?"

"I was an idiot to think we could talk like normal; I just confused him even more," Dan sighed sadly. "He said that I need to get a new tutor, because he can't do it anymore. I've messed with his head too much, so I don't blame him, but I need to pass or I can't do what I need to do. I won't be able to escape Tyler."

"So he's ditched you?" Harry crooked an unimpressed eyebrow, whilst slamming down his fork.

Dan frowned at his older brother, "Harry, I ditched him. He has the right to ditch me. I was a complete dick to him."

"Yeah, but that's because you had no other choice-"

"He doesn't know that!" Dan stood abruptly from the table, causing the chair to screech across the flooring and startling both Harry and Sarah.

Harry stood as well, matching Dan's height and yelled in retaliation, "Then maybe you should tell him, instead of moping around here!"

Dan groaned angrily and rubbed his face, "You don't get it, Harry. If I tell Phil then Tyler will beat him up."

"Then make sure Tyler doesn't find out. It's not rocket science, Dan!"

"Will you both sit down!" Sarah shouted, as she threw her hands into the air tiredly. "I am sick and tired of the negative and depressing atmosphere that surrounds this house."

Harry crooked an eyebrow suggestively at Dan; Dan was constantly moping around the house, always moaning about Tyler or Phil and it was getting on Harry's last nerves. Yes he had been there for his younger brother at the start, but that doesn't mean he can't get sick of hearing the same thing over and over.

"You're just as bad at the moment, Harry," Sarah glared across at her eldest son. "Ever since Jess left on holiday, you have just sat up in your room doing nothing but mope."

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