Chapter 26

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Phil walked through the school gates with his head bowed and earphones in, blaring muse into his head to try and mask over the many thoughts whirling around his mind. These thoughts were beginning to take over his life and it was as if they were suffocating him. These thoughts were mainly about Dan; why did he still get butterflies when he saw him? Why did Harry say that Dan cared?

Dan clearly didn't care.

"You complete and utter scumbag!" a voice yelled across the street.

This caught Phil's attention as the yell was louder than his music. He also recognised the voice and when he finally lifted his head to see what all the fuss was about, his dread came to reality.

Chris was storming across the street heading straight towards Tyler and his group of so called friends, including Dan. Tyler's lips curled into a smirk, as Chris neared him; he knew he could take Chris, as he was practically twice his size.

Phil sighed tiredly and ran across the street in the same direction as Chris. He needed to make sure that Chris wouldn't do something stupid, as this was Chris and he was known for being irrational. Plus, Pj would not be pleased if his boyfriend turned up battered and bruised.

"Chris, what are you doing? Don't be stupid." Phil called over to a steaming Chris, who was almost in front of Tyler.

"Go away, Phil!" Chris yelled in reply, now stood in front of a smug Tyler.

Tyler smirked, "I'd listen to your friend, Chris. Don't be stupid."

Before Chris knew it, his hands flew up to Tyler's chest shoving him backwards a few steps, but not affecting Tyler in the slightest. Chris' anger was beginning to boil and at any moment he was about to explode. His cheeks were burning red and his hands were fists at his sides, as his eyes sent daggers into Tyler's skull.

"You want to do that again?" Tyler frowned unimpressed; no one could lay a finger upon him.

"Chris, stop!" Phil yelled, as he reached the group and his hands grasped around Chris' scrawny arm trying to tug him away from the danger that was yet to come. "Please, Chris. He's not worth it."

Chris yanked his arm away from Phil, sending him a harsh glare before returning his attention to Tyler. His voice shook slightly, "I know you did it, Tyler!"

"Did what?" Tyler frowned, as he tilted his head to the side slightly. "I don't know what you're talking about, Chris. Sorry mate."

"I am not your mate," Chris huffed angrily. "I know you're the one who beat him up."

"You what?" Dan piped in angrily. "Tyler, what the hell!"

Tyler turned to face Dan, "He's lying, I didn't lay a finger on Pj."

Chris' fist met Tyler's jaw, causing Tyler to stumble back and his hand felt at his jaw softly, as his features contorted to pure rage.

"I know you did, asshole!" Chris spat bitterly. "He's not the one you have a problem with, Tyler, so why can't you leave him alone!"

Tyler strode up to Chris, so that the two boys were face to face, although Tyler was a few inches taller. He puffed out his chest, causing it to push against Chris' intimidatingly, as he flared his nostrils like an angry pig.

"You think you can take me?" Tyler narrowed his eyes upon Chris. "You think that a scrawny, worthless piece of crap like you can take on someone like me? Someone who goes to the gym at least every other day."

Chris gulped nervously, as Tyler's breath caused the hairs upon his neck to stand, as he stuttered, "Just stay away from my boyfriend."

Tyler chuckled, as he pressed his forehead against Chris' and hissed, "Then you better stay away from me and my group, because I will knock you and your precious boyfriend's lights out. You hear me?"

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