Chapter 22 - The Mystery Date

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"So have you met this mystery guy?" Dan asked with a huff.

Harry smiled slightly, whilst shaking his head subtly, "If you're talking about mum's date, then no, I haven't. Why?"

"Just wondering," Dan muttered.

"No, you aren't," Harry smirked in reply. He knows Dan by now and knows when he is worried about anything; of course Dan was worried about his mum meeting a new man.

This new guy could be a murder, who wants to capture their mum as his next victim, for all Dan knows. What if this guy did take his mum as his next victim? Dan would have to save her; wouldn't he? With Harry's help of course. They'd be the new superhero's of the town and bring justice to those who deserve it and destruction on those who don't.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry inquired with an ever growing a smirk on his lips.

Dan shook his head and turned his attention to his brother, "Nothing, but what if this guy is a murderer? What if he wants mum as his next victim?"

Harry bent over laughing, whilst clutching his stomach, "What are you on about, Dan!"

"I'm being serious, Harry. He could be a psycho murderer, who is going to take mum into his basement, tie her up and do unthinkable things to her," Dan stated hysterically.

"Dan, you're being stupid," Harry sighed, as he spun in his chair slowly to face Dan with a crooked eyebrow. "Mum wouldn't be going on a date with him if he was a psycho, so I'm sure he's perfectly fine."

Dan sat up straight and declared, "Therefore he could still be, because these sorts of people aren't stupid. They know how to act and lure people in, so when he gets here I will question him myself."

Harry crooked an unimpressed eyebrow, "Oh right and you're going to say what? Excuse me, but are you a psycho murder, who wants to murder my mother and then her sons?"

"No. I'll be more subtle than that," Dan grimaced and laid back on Harry's bed. He stared up at the ceiling and frowned, "How come Jessica isn't here today? She usually is."

"She's on holiday; gone to Greece," Harry sighed sadly. He missed Jess when she wasn't around; it was stupid, but he had become to rely upon her for a lot more than he thought.

Then the doorbell sounded, signalling that the mystery man had arrived and this was Dan's chance, so he sat up abruptly. His mischievous eyes met Harry's death glare - warning him to stay put - but Dan ignored this and leapt from the bed to make his way downstairs. However, Harry was also extremely quick - quicker than Dan in fact - and wrapped his arms around Dan's waist in a rugby tackle.

"You'll stay up here, twerp," Harry strained, as Dan wriggled in his grip. "Dan, stay still!"

"No!" Dan shouted, as he sprung from Harry's grip, barged past his mother and sprinted down the stairs towards the front door.

Dan ignored the many shouts from his mum and stuck out his tongue, as he heard Harry yell, "I tried to stop him mum!"

He swung open the door with a wide smile, "Hi, you must be mum's date!"

The mystery guy smiled awkwardly and nodded slightly, "Yeah, I'm Jerry. You must be Dan."

"Yes, come on in, Jerry," Dan forced a smile and led Jerry into the hall of his house. "Would you like a drink, Jerry."

"I'm okay, thank you," Jerry replied. "I'll have one when we go out."

Dan nodded slowly, as his mother came up to them with a stern look on her features, "Hi, Jerry."

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