Chapter 9- Reschedule

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School came around quickly on Monday and Phil couldn't help but feel excited for the day; there was a possibility that he could see Dan and even if he didn't get the chance to speak to him he wouldn't care, just seeing his smile would be enough.

"Hey, Phil!" Chris called from behind, jogging to catch up with Phil, who was almost speed walking into school. "Why are you walking so fast today?"

"Oh, I didn't realise," Phil mumbled, slowing his pace, so that Chris was no longer struggling to keep up with him.

"How was Dan's on Friday? Was it awful?" Chris asked, pulling a face of disgust in the process.

"No, it was good actually," Phil smiled to himself, remembering the way Dan smelt when he embraced him that night. The scent of cinnamon and vanilla filling his lungs and tormenting his dreams.

Chris nodded warily, "Right. As long as he doesn't screw you over, Phil. Okay, because if he does, I will have to give him a piece of my mind and use power and persuasion." Chris held up his fists, blowing on them as if they were guns, earning a chuckle from Phil.

"I'm sure it will be fine. Power and persuasion can go back into their holders."

Dan sat on a bench, with Tyler and a group of usual girls that Dan hadn't even bothered learning the names of yet; his eyes landed on Phil, who was entering with Chris, a huge smile tugging on his lips. Dan wished he had friends like that, friends that made him laugh to the point of wheezing, friends who actually cared about his well being.

"Dan?" Tyler waved his hand in front of Dans face, pulling him out of his trance. "Dan, I was saying about a party on Wednesday night. You up for it?"

Dan raised his eyebrows, "I've got tutoring."

"Well reschedule it, I'm sure Phil wouldn't mind," Tyler rolled his eyes and Dan froze, how did he know Phil was his tutor?

"How did you know Phil was my tutor?" Dan frowned, sitting up from his slouched position.

Tyler crooked an eyebrow, "I thought everyone knew, sorry. Are you embarrassed that you have to hang out with that loser?"

"What? He's just a tutor, I need the grades, you know that," Dan lied, his insides twisting at the fact that he was treating Phil like dirt. "Look, I gotta go sort out my tutoring. I'll see you at break."

Dan quickly made his way into the school building, scanning everyones faces for Phil. He needed to reschedule, but he didn't want Phil to be mad. He wouldn't be mad, would he? No. His eyes landed on the ebony haired boy stood at his locker with two other boys, who Dan guessed were Pj and Chris, and he quickened his pace.

"Phil," Dan smiled awkwardly. "Can we talk for a moment?"

Chris and Pj eyed Dan up carefully and Dan noticed the way Chris' eyes narrowed, as if he was imagining torturing him. He gulped nervously, swaying back and fourth until Phil replied with a yes and led them away.

"What did you want to talk about?" Phil smiled brightly and Dan felt awful for having to reschedule, but he couldn't let Tyler suspect anything, that would be the end of Dan's prestigious reputation.

"Is it okay if we reschedule Wednesday's tutoring for another night?" Dan rubbed the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly at Phil, while silently praying that it would be okay.

"That's okay," Phil half smiled. "We can move it to Tuesday. Before we check out the colleges." Dan couldn't help but notice the disappointment in Phil's bright blue eyes, but he couldn't change that now.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, Phil," Dan smiled. "Oh, also, Tyler knows you're my tutor."

Phil raised his eyebrows, "Are you embarrassed?"

"No, no, no. Of course not. I just wanted to warn you, incase he got too full on," Dan rushed, because deep down he was embarrassed. He didn't want to be seen as a gay freak and he couldn't help it, no one wanted to. "I'll see you in Mr Grahams class then?"

Phill nodded and watched Dan walk away with his shoulders slouched and Phil knew that Dan was embarrassed to be seen with him, because who wouldn't. Especially someone like Dan; he had a reputation to uphold and hanging around with Phil was degrading. Phil would just have to learn to cope with only seeing the real Dan outside of school, but is that enough to be a friendship? What was Phil kidding? Him and Dan weren't friends.

Dan joined Tyler in first period just as the bell went and slouched in his chair.

"How was the loser?" Tyler smirked nastily. "He didn't try to turn you gay did he?"

Dan frowned and huffed, "It's not contagious, Tyler."

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