V - Ken

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A/N: Sorry for the delay guys! Last couple of weeks have been killer (literally almost for one of my doggies! :O) but all is working out fine now! I hope...>.>

Enjoy the skit, chapter, and art! XD

The hooded girl: Welcome back! We’re outside in the garden this time enjoying the lovely weather ^_^ *mutters under breath* and because someone wrecked the studio.

Amaterasu: *Smiling innocently* Such great whether we are having indeed.  ^_^ Tea? *Holds up a cute cup of tea for the hooded girl to take* You know you want some

The hooded girl: >.> *tries to ignore tea* >.> *glances at tea* >.> *sighs and takes tea*

Amaterasu: ^_^ And that's how you make past incidents...disappear. Now who’s ready for today's guest?! :D

The hooded girl: Me! Me! Me! <3 *spills tea all over the place*

Amaterasu: ^_^;;;; Now who’s the over excited one? Everyone give a nice welcome to Ken! Now as some of you may know, he is, heartthrob, Genma's cousin. *sighs* I love Genma.

The hooded girl: *sighs* I love Itachi….

Ken: I thought you were introducing me -.-“ and this is supposed to be a fanfic about Hatake-san.

Amaterasu: T.T I know, but Hisayo threatened me over him. Naturally I'd flock over to your cousin. Can you give him my number for me?

The hooded girl: *still thinking about Itachi* I wonder where he is right now… >.>

Ken: Seriously? I came here today expecting to get teased about Suzume, or Taryn. *sighs*

The hooded girl: *snaps to attention. Sly smile appears* Ah that’s right. There were some interesting developments in the last chapter. *smile widens into one that shows teeth* Tell us Ken, why does Taryn make you blush all the time? XD

Amaterasu: *has also snapped to attention and is grinning madly* Hope it isn't making Suzume jealous. Hehehe.

Ken: *pales* I...hadn't thought of that. Oh no...

Amaterasu: *shakes head, but still grinning* Boys...'Tut', 'tut' *taps Ken over the nose with a rolled up newspaper*

Ken: Hey! What was that for!?

Amaterasu: I won't have my character turning into some kind of player! D'xKen: *blushing madly and stuttering horribly* Th-that's n-not what-t's go-going on h-here!

The hooded girl: Don’t worry. Suzume will straighten him out before that happens.

Ken: Gyah, can't we just talk about something else?

Amaterasu: Okaaaay >.> But you had started it, remember? :P I was merrily thinking about Genma and YOU had to cut my happy thoughts short! D'x

Ken: *leans as far away from Amaterasu as possible and mutters to self* Geeze, note to self: Don't distract Ami from thinking about my cousin.

Amaterasu: *Now much calmer and gives out a long daydreaming sigh* ~Genma~ Teehee! x3

the hooded girl: *sweatdrops* I don’t think we’ll get anything useful from her today anymore. So… enjoy the next chapter! Be prepared for more drama, a lot of blushing and food! *pauses* I’m hungry… where’s the buffet?

Ken: *sweatdrops as he smacks forehead* Looks like Ami's not the only one will get anymore use out of. *sighs* At least she had enough sense to still usher in the newest chapter. Have a good day everyone.

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