XIV - Tsunade (Curtain Call)

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A/N: Yep, that's right, it's the last skit T.T  Hope you all have enjoyed! :D

Tsunade: *impatiently paces the stage* They will get here sooner or later. It’s time for the last chapter. *crosses arms* I’ll make sure they know exactly what they’ve put me through and I already have some nice ideas on how they can make it right.

The hooded girl: *peeks around corner and flinched when seeing Tsunade. Turns to Amaterasu* she’s still here.

Amaterasu: Darn it, I knew we should have picked a secret location she wouldn't know about. Hmm...what should we do? I'm pretty sure she's not happy ^_^''''

The hooded girl: *thinking for a moment* Oh I know! We’ll solve it the Naruto way XD *hurries onto the stage and greets Tsunade with a wide smile* Welcome, welcome! Give some applause to our mystery guest of the day! Tsunade-sama! *not giving Tsunade time to speak* We are so very honored to have you here today! Isn’t it lovely? Now sit, sit and tell us a few things about yourself. We were all very impressed by the way you handled Caves in the Finals. *chatters away, barely stopping to draw breath*

Amaterasu: O.O O-oh! Right! Yes, just answer a few questions for our lovely audience and we'll be on our way! XD

Tsunade: -. - What kind of fool do you think I am!? Do you two have any idea all the unnecessary trouble you caused?! And that last stunt was the last straw for me!

Amaterasu: Eeep! She's scary! *Cowers behind thehoodedgirl* Do something THG! D'x

The hooded girl: Why me! T.T uhm okay… *puts on serious face* We didn’t cause any trouble. Actually we made sure certain people learned to cooperate better. *nods vividly* Yes, yes that is all we did. And we don’t stunt. Stunting is dangerous you know O.O

Amaterasu: Right! What she said! We did nothing wrong! T.T

Tsunade: *glares at duo* Half the village is without electricity. I have an apartment complex evacuated because of a flooding.

The hooded girl: ^^“ Well can’t get it right at the first try. We’ll do a sequel. *grins* Yes, a sequel should do the trick We’ll get it right then.

Amaterasu: *perks up and nods excitedly* Yes! We'll definitely get it right then! Wouldn't that be great!? And we promise no floods to anyone in the village *whispers to thehoodedgirl* maybe just outside of it...>.>

Tsunade: *glare intensifies*

The hooded girl: *gulps* or not! We can take it somewhere else completely. Let’s go do that now. *pulls on Amaterasu’s shirt* We’ll go find a great location for a flooding. Or to wipe out the electricity… I mean… a great setting for the sequel… yes, we’ll do that right now.

Amaterasu: Agreed! *turn to leave, only to freeze in tracks at the sight of some, not so happy people. Kakashi, Hisayo, Taryn, Kinu, and Akio are blocking the exit.*

Akio: *smiling* Now where do you two think you are going?

Hisayo: Don't think you two are getting away with this.

Kinu: *nod*

Taryn: *crosses arms* The other exit is blocked off as well if you were wondering.

Kakashi: You two aren’t going anywhere.

The hooded girl: Drat. *sighs in defeat* But what about the fans? They want to read more about all of you!

Akio: I don't think they would mind a small intermission while you help clean up the village.

Amaterasu: T.T Why can't you be on our side, Akio!?

Tsunade: *cunning smile* Because this old wolf has been properly trained.

Akio: T.T You see, the woman is a tyrant...a scary tyrant!

Hisayo: *rolls eyes* Don't make her angrier than she already is, sensei. She'll only extent our services.

Amaterasu: Why us?! T.T

Kakashi: Well, you two are the writers.

The hooded girl: *sweat drops* Well technically … that is true… but… *whips out pen and paper* that also means that we can write our way out of here. And with Ami’s drawing skills we’ll find our own escape! *glances at trapdoor that is appearing on the stage.*

Amaterasu: That's right! Bwahahahaha!! You'll never catch us now! XD *Opens door and leaps through with thehoodedgirl*

Kakashi: Uh....that's not....

*several crashing sounds and curses fill the stage below*

Hisayo: -_ -'''' That wasn't an exit, but a storage cellar for all the props.

Akio: ^_^'''' Perhaps we should go see if they are alright? We do need them if they were serious about making a sequel.

Tsunade: Let them suffer for a while. That's not even covering half of what they owe us and the village.

All: *sighs* True

Amaterasu and thehoodedgirl: T.T Owwiiieeee!!! Guess we'll catch you all again sometime in the future.

Amaterasu: After we nurse our heads. *Another stage prop falls over and crashes on top of them*

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