II - Hiro

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Your program will begin shortly after a message from our sponsers :P

Lol artwork of Hiro, including Speedpaint (with Hiro's chosen theme tune) created by me <3

Hope you enjoy it there on the side and don't forget to check out my Deviantart, Youtube, and both mine and @the_hooded_girl profiles XD

Enjoy! :D



Amaterasu: Welcome back everyone! Are you all ready for more action and excitement?! Now to give a special welcome to today's guest...since Kakashi seems to have disappeared >.>

The hooded girl: I wonder where he went? We had so much fun last time. ^-^ Anyway, today’s guest is…. Hiro!

Hiro: Eh heh heh, hi?

Amaterasu: Awwww! Isn't he just the cutest little thing?! *hugs Hiro*

The hooded girl: ^_^” *pries Amaterasu away from Hiro*

Hiro: *blushes like mad*

The hooded girl: So Hiro, how do you enjoy Konoha so far?

Hiro: The barbeque place is good!

Amaterasu: *snickers* I know another cute kid that loves the barbeque x3

The hooded girl: hahaha yes, I know exactly who you’re talking about.

Amaterasu: I bet it will be deja'vu when he has his turn for a guest appearance lol. Now, on to business! *looks intently at Hiro* I only have one question. Please be as honest as possible Hiro. Do you know...how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Hiro: 371

Amaterasu: ....I....have no clue if that's true or not >.> *never made it past 3*

The hooded girl: *looks at Amaterasu* You mean you just gobble the whole thing up, don’t you? >.>

Hiro: *grins* That’s what I always do with the first one, but with the second one I counted. And I tried a third just to make sure.

Amaterasu: T.T No matter how hard I try to restrain myself. I NEVER make it past 3! I fail so bad! Which is why I'm so relieved I don’t have to take any written exams like some people have here in a bit ^_^

The hooded girl: Uh-oh *waves frantically at Amaterasu to stop but is not noticed*

Amaterasu: I never do well at those. Well, good luck Hiro!


The hooded girl: Now you’ve done it -.- “

Hiro: *close to tears*

Amaterasu: What'd I say? *utterly confused*

The hooded girl: *whispers to Amaterasu* You know how he gets with written exams.

Amaterasu: Oh! Oops? ^^''' *turns to Hiro and pats him on the back* Don't panic, you'll do great! If you can be patient enough to actually count the number of licks to get to the tootsie center of a pop, then this test will be no biggie. So, cheer up ^^

The hooded girl: *nervous chuckle* Well best get to it then! *shoves Hiro towards the exam room* Bye folks! See you next time! ^_^ “

Clash of the Brats : A Collab with the_hooded_girlWhere stories live. Discover now