Chapter 19

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     When they two got done then they started out of their room as Leo texted Raph. " Can we go to the beach?"
    Raph looked at his phone as he read what Leo sent so he looked at Leo seeing him look to Raph with big eyes. " Fine... "
    Leo then looked so happy as they headed to the breath and the sun as it was still two hours before the sun would set while the two then would be soon to the beach making Leo happy. When they got to the beach Raph would sit at one of the tables as he saw Leo while Raph texts him. " Don't go to close to the ocean..."
    Leo looked at Raph and sent back as he walked closer to the ocean but not in it. " I won't Raph I will be fine. "
     As Leo sat there watching the ocean and feeling the breeze to his face he wished he could hear the ocean waves at how nice they would sound.
    Raph looked at Leo at the tables as he then stood up walking over to sit by Leo as Raph saw then Leo's arm go up whipping his face as that got Raph to know Leo was crying. So as he got by Leo he looked around then got his hand to Leo's head as Raph pulled Leo to lean him against Raph making Leo widen his eyes and blushing.
     Raph had a reason for what Leo was probably crying about and it was that he couldn't hear the sounds that Raph could hear right now while he just let Leo lean on him while they sat there watching the sun slowly set.

~ ~ ~
     Later that night the teacher and student where out eating as Raph and Leo where in different tables but Leo could not help at keep looking over at Raph. Raph was eating looking board while he was looking also as if he was going to slide under the table so that got Leo to laugh a little so it got Raph and a few others attention while that go Raph then to smirked at Leo as everyone got done eating and started to their rooms.
    But Raph grabbed Leo as they hide behind the wall while Leo gave Raph a confused look as Raph answered in a whisper. " Thought I would take you out again before we call it a night. "
    Leo blushed and smiled as he then grabbed Raph's hand as they headed to the beach again but this time they were heading to the side of the beach that was dark so no one could see them. So as they got far enough in the dark Raph held Leo's hand back as he felt that Leo was going to let Raph's hand go.
    Leo looked at Raph while he then pulled Leo right to him as he got Leo in a hug so Leo got confused but hugged back as he favored the feeling while they then stood there in the dark. ' Calm down Raph... We are just hugging... Just... Hugging...'
    Raph struggled but made a hand go from Leo's back to then his face as he got Leo to look up while he saw Leo's blue eyes looking right at him as Raph felt he could not do it and lets Leo go while he said. " i..."
    Leo looked confused as he went to Raph and grabbed his hands while he then pointed at himself then at Raph as he pointed at the ocean. Raph looked confused as Leo grabbed his phone and text Raph. " Can we go to the ocean and play... I don't want to make you uncomfortable Raph..."
    Raph looked at Leo and nods while they head to the ocean and Raph looking at Leo. ' Leo what is this feeling you're making me feel... It's like I don't want you out of my sight...'
    As they got to the ocean Leo lets Raph's hand go and over to the water as he ran in getting his shoes off while Raph walked over slowly at first watching Leo. Leo turned to Raph looking at him with a smile for on as he felt the water was cold but still stayed in as Raph then started to get his shoes off and Leo got some of the water in his hands and splashed a lot on Raph as he gasped at how cold looking at Leo as he finally got his shoes off the started to run at Leo.
    Leo laughed and ran off trying to get away from Raph while they got a little more in the ocean as the waster was getting to their knees as Raph got Leo and pinned his back to Raph's chest. Raph then said low to Leo as it made him blush even though he did not know what Raph said. " I got you."
     Leo closed his eyes and leaned his neck as Raph looked at him and started to kiss his neck while he got a hand slowly around Leo's shirt as he started to slowly start to unbutton Leo's shirt.

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