Chapter 1

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    Leo was walking to the opening of the school as Donnie came over and said to his older brother with his hands. " You ready for this Leo?"
    Leo smiled and nods as he got a hold of his hand to the school bag walking in and watched the humans and mutants talking making Leo happy to do this while he then went to the office as Donnie came with him to help get Leo his school class list as he got their papers and looked while Donnie sigh languages happy. " We have math together!"
    Leo just nods as they two then started to walk out of the office but as they did Leo looked a little of where the seats were as he saw a turtle their while his hands were to the back of his head while his eyes were closed. Leo felt that he was the kind that was always in trouble while Donnie tapped Leo's shoulder making him looked to Donnie gesturing to head to the stairs.
    When they walked up Leo looked back down as he learned to feel presents around him. He saw two girls walking up and saw Leo and Donnie as they giggled and waved a little with pink cheeks as Donnie smiled back and waved while Leo did as well.
    Donnie looked at Leo using his hands. " the girls are nice here. You might even get a girlfriend finely."
   Leo laughed as they got to the top of the stairs as walked down the hall as Donnie stopped at the door of Leo's first class. " good luck Leo."
    " Thanks, Don."  Leo then leaked in as his teacher saw him and smiled as she came over making Leo see she was a human while she said not using her hands. " You Leo?"
   He was pretty good with lips talking so he nods and used his hands. " Yes. I'm looking forward to learning in an actual school."
   She placed a hand to her chest then said with her hands. " Oh, I'm so sorry... I forgot you could not hear. "
    He smiled and have his hands little letting her know it was okay. The then told him to stand there by her desk so he could introduce himself as the bell rang.
   Leo didn't hear the bell but he saw everyone coming in as dome looked at him as a few girls waved smiling to him as he nods his head to them. But once he saw the turtle that was sitting in the office was walking in as he liked Leo with his cold green eyes as if giving him a cold mean look.
    Leo didn't know why he lost his smile but he felt that this turtle was not going to be too friendly to him watching the turtle go to his seat. The teacher then stood by Leo and started to talk as he saw her by the corner of his eye making him smile at them while she then places a hand gently to his shoulder to let him know to introduce himself.
    He got his bag out and grabbed paper as he wrote on it and having it face them all. " Hello I'm Leonardo but you can call me Leo if you like. I have been homeschool this whole time so today is my first day at a school.
     I can't hear but I can read lips so if you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask. "
    They all looked at him surprised and started to speak to each other as Leo kept his smile. But the one turtle was looking at Leo as he had his arms crossed while one of his friends said. " Man, that would suck to no hear. "
    " Yeah. I mean not able to listen to music not even watch a movie. Haha, he probably has to pause the movie every time the subtitles changed. " they two that talked started to laugh as the one named Raph then smirked. " this will be fun to mess with him. "
      " right." the one to Raph's left said as the teacher told Leo to go sit as he was to the opposite side of the class from Raph and his two friends but he still looked to Leo. ' He will find that being at as school is not as fun as he hoped it would be. '

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