Chapter 4

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    The three stood up as Raph was yelled making Leo look at him even though he could not understand with the lips yelling but it made the big mutants made as Leo for up and was going to go over but then another mutant came as it shoved at him making Leo fall back in the seat but the mutated looked at Leo and leaned to him. " What are you deaf! I said move!"
    Leo looked at first with widened eyes while the mutant then was a greek looking lizard got back up and went to the rest as then Raph and the two with him started to attack while they made the chance to them run out but as Raph ran passed Leo he saw him looking confused as they got out and ran off.
     Leo felt nervous about seeing that Raph noticed him but he got his stuff about to leave as he started to the door feeling his face as if he was feeling also scared. He walked out and away from the food place but he was also noticing the percents of the big mutants following him.
    Leo didn't want to instantly assume that they were following him since they were still in the public opening. But as he was turning to get closer to his time he instantly made a left turn heading away from his him as he was going to head to the playground around the area hoping kids and their parents would be there.
     He held his bag tightly not ranging to fight since he was against it but if it was to keep him safe he would not hesitate to fight back. But once he was going to turn to be in the kids and parents view his bag got grabbed and pulled back as Leo fall back looking to seeing the big mutants as the one that looked like a snapping turtle with spikes on its shoulders while the others were a cat, bird and two lizards.
    The turtle grabbed Leo's shirt pulling him up and fast off the floor while it spoke. " Your friends with that Raph turtle aren't you!"
     Leo sort of got what he said as Leo didn't know what to say but just got his hands on the turtles as he nods. The turtle growls and got his hand up to punch Leo but Leo grabbed the man's fisted hand and got his knee up hitting the turtles chin.
     The turtle let Leo go as Leo landed on his feet and grabbed his bag fast from his back and hit the cat mutant making him fall to the ground as Leo ran off fast. He tried to run and lose the mutants but they were just behind him as he kept running out of his neighborhood.

~ ~ ~ 
    He was still runny when Leo saw he was getting to the other side of the town where it was not as clean as he was running past a few buildings soon he felt he lost them and went to a very small ally and got a hand on the wall breathing hard from the running. He would rethink what happened then looked around not really familiar with this area.
    So he walked a little around trying to also calm his breathing as he would see everywhere around him was restaurants. Leo then saw one that caught his eyes as he walked over reading what it said ' Jaku restaurant.'
    So he went in and saw that it did look nice as he went to a table since they had a board saying that the customers can be seated without an escort. He picked a seat to the window as then he saw someone come over as he looked up and looked surprised as he saw April there talking.
    She kept talking till she looked at him surprised too and said with a slight blush. " Oh hey, Leo I didn't know it was you... what can I get you?"
      She handed him the menu as he looked thru it and handed it back to her as he said with his hands. " I will have the number 16... So you work?"
    She nods writing as she then placed her notebook in her pocket and said. " Yeah... I feel bad that Donnie pays for everything when we go on a date so I decided to get this job a week ago..."
    " Does Donnie know?" Leo asked as she shakes her head while she then said. " No. But I'm sure you will be surprised because there is another employer here that goes to our school."
     Leo looked puzzled as he asked. " Really? who?"
    April said trying to put on a smile. " It's Raph... He is the cook here he is a full-timer here though... So he works all night. I don't know how he can do it though haha."
    Leo looked where the kitchen could barely be seen as he looked back to April. " It might be best to not let him know it's my food. "
     April laughed and nods her head as she waved bye and went to get Raph the order as Leo looked back at the table and got his bag to the side and looked out the window as the sun was just setting as the sky had a slight blue and purple color to it as he then closed his eyes.
    He sat there thinking till he felt a plate land on the table since he always placed his hands under the table when his eyes were closed as he opened his eyes and then looked at April as he ordered curry with rice. " Enjoy Leo."
    " Thank you, April." he then watched her leave as he grabbed a spoon and scooped the curry and rice then placed it in his mouth eating it as he felt his cheeks get pink and looked at the food. ' Wow! Raph made this!'
     So Leo took another bite not able to resist the flavor the food had making him feel that every time he took a bite it would be as perfect no matter how he eats the curry.

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